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自然主义与脆弱的环境Naturalism and the Perishable Environment

我们是自然主义的实践者和倡导者。We are the supporter and practioner of Naturalism.

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尽管如此,自然主义并不像它听起来那么狭隘。Still, naturalism is not as restrictive as it sounds.

最终,这两个作者驳斥了自然主义的论点。Ultimately, the authors reject the naturalism argument.

然后,以威尔公园作为实例,分析其中的自然主义。Then, I analyze naturalism inside Park Giiell as an example.

自然主义作为一种信条不过是科学精神的又一个敌人。Naturalism as dogma is one more enemy of the scientific spirit.

在戏剧方面,尤金·奥尼尔出色地运用了自然主义。In the drama, Eugene O'neill employer naturalism with distinction.

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原则上自然主义并不与所有的宗教形式不相容。Naturalism is not incompatible in principle with all forms of religion.

这种形式的自然主义主张的密切关系,理性主义和自然神论。This form of naturalism stands in close relation with Rationalism and Deism.

其前言作为一个典型的宣言晚十九世纪自然主义。Its preface serves as a classic manifesto of late-nineteenth century naturalism.

德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism.

我在中国的首次画展以“自然主义”为主题,于两年前在番禺展出。My first exhibition in China, titled Naturalism was held in Panyu a couple of years ago.

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茅盾早期的文学选择有过从“新浪漫主义”退回“自然主义”的变化。Mao Dun's early literary career underwent the change from neo-romanticism back to naturalism.

自然主义知识论作为一种新思潮,没能逃脱矫枉过正的宿命。As a new trend of thought, the epistemic naturalism has an inextricable fate of hypercorrectness.

自然主义的主体间性哲学的信仰主义倾向是使其不能成为独立完满理论的致命缺陷。The fideism trend in naturalism intersubjective philosophy is a defect to make it an ideal theory.

罗蒂的新实用主义哲学的自然主义立场,使得他不可能有前后融贯一致的概念命题系统。Rorty's pragmatic naturalism does not allow him to develop a coherent system of concepts and propositions.

自然主义的典型性不仅体现在它的理论中,也体现在文学作品中。The typicality of naturalism not only reflects in the theory of naturalism, but also in the literary work.

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本文的自然主义是广义的自然主义,它是指一种研究倾向,而非具体哲学流派。What we call naturalism in this dissertation refers to a study tendency but not special group of philosophy.

对生命意志的表现的强调,使李石岑的人本主义人生哲学具有明显的自然主义的倾向。Emphasizing on manifesting life will makes Li Shicen's humanism life philosophy has distinct naturalism trend.

原真性是民族文化遗产旅游英文文献中的热点与难点问题。Naturalism is the focused and difficult problem in the English Literature of ethnic cultural heritage tourism.