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驱动小齿轮轴承的端隙。End play in drive pinion bearings.

检查传动器驱动齿轮回位。Inspect the clutch pinion gear return.

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安装下轴瓦到主轴承盖。Install pinion front bearing, if necessary.

如需要,安装小齿轮前轴承。Install pinion front bearing, if necessary.

如何以广展的翅翼飞过玄虚的高空。Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air.

从最大的杠杆到最小的齿轮From the mightiest lever to the tiniest pinion

参阅驱动小齿轮轴承预荷调整。Refer to Drive Pinion Bearing Pre-Load Adjustment.

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你为什么不先扭紧小齿轮的螺帽?Why don't you try tightening the pinion nut first?

小齿轮轴运行多孔青铜轴承衬套。The pinion shaft runs in porous bronze bearing bushes.

哪些零件除高速鸟翼末端以外被损坏了?Which parts were damaged besides the high speed pinion?

注意到主动齿轮的齿数比冠状齿轮少。Note that the input pinion is a smaller gear than the ring gear.

齿条齿轮跟踪系统可快速调节凸出的轴。Rack & pinion tracks for quick adjustment for extended mandrels.

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在小齿轮轴轴轭处拆卸万向节扣夹螺栓。Remove the universal joint strap bolts at the pinion shaft yoke.

齿轮齿条套车部件,保证荷载同轴。Rack and pinion telescoping section ensures proper load alignment.

它有一个桶,上面安装了由小齿轮驱动的齿圈。It has a drum with gear ring fitted on it which is driven by pinion.

由于行星齿轮轴和变速器壳体螺栓固定,它会和变速器壳体一起旋转。Since the pinion shaft is bolted to the case, it revolves with the case.

当不准许主动齿轮旋转时,向上推环齿轮,并放牢它。Push and hold ring gear upward while not allowing the pinion gear to rotate.

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如果主减速比为4.10,冠状齿轮的齿数就要比主动齿轮的齿数多4.10倍。If the final drive ratio is 4.10 times as many teeth as the input pinion gear.

介绍一种斜齿插齿刀的刃形优化方法。This paper introduces a optimization method of pinion cutter for cutting helical gears.

船舵上的一块钢质前翼折断了,与它连接的舵板裂开了,有一半随海水漂走了。A steel pinion snapped and its attached marine ply then broke, half of it to float away.