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谁找到这个论点不太可信的地方?Who finds that argument unpersuasive?

它是有说服力的,还是没有。whether it's persuasive or unpersuasive.

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这段影片看上去很奇怪,也没什么说服力。So, this is a very weird and unpersuasive clip.

其他国家的失业者会发现这个说法没有说服力。Jobless workers elsewhere may find this argument unpersuasive.

但是他认为奥巴马总统的一个论点没有说服力。But Graham described as unpersuasive the president's continuing assertion that the U.

如果后一种类型的判例实际上没有劝导性,法官可以忽视该判例。If a precedent of the latter type is in fact unpersuasive , the judge is free to disregard it.

他发现支持这种战斗部队运输机的论据是毫无说服力的,而且这种飞机的问题也是不可救药的。Cheney found the arguments for the combat troop carrier unpersuasive and its problems irredeemable.

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除了那些警告,2004年纽约联邦储蓄银行发表的一篇报道指出人们对这次经济低迷的预测毫无说服力并伴有瑕疵。Despite those warnings, a report released by the New York Fed in 2004 called predictions of gloom "flawed" and "unpersuasive.

这篇文章用说服力不强的论证试图来证明一个缺乏说服力的论点,反而找人反感。This article has employed an unconvincing argument in order to prove an unpersuasive point, which is not most appealing to the readers.

如果我们花时间来阅读文档的每一页,它是不难发现的论据是不科学的,缺乏说服力。If we take the time to read every page of the document, it is not difficult to discover that the arguments are unscientific and unpersuasive.

他在曼哈顿和昆斯走街串巷,拍摄了一些有关纽约街道的彩色大照片,印刷堪称精致,虽然这些街道从美学上看毫无魅力。He travelled through Manhattan and Queens, making large-scale, exquisitely printed color photographs of some of the most aesthetically unpersuasive streets in New York City.

这些问题的存在和发生,表明我国的资产评估系统尚未形成一种有序的状态,由此产生的评估结果也难以令人信服。The occurrence and the existences of these problems indicate that the appraisal system of our country has not yet forms a state of ordered, and the appraisal result is also unpersuasive.

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但是其他一些人发现奎因的主张并没有说服力,坚持分析哲学有相当充分的理由为它作为可预知的未来的一种核心的哲学方法提供担保。But others, who find Quine's arguments unpersuasive , hold that analytical philosophy has virtues quite sufficient to ensure it a role as a central philosophical method for the foreseeable future.