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这么说明显是轻描淡写了,在我们行走时,好像在参加一个“狼先生,现在几点了?”This is a grand understatement.

说我有些沮丧已经算是轻描淡写了。To say I was despondent is an understatement.

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同志,玩BG2三次是一个严重的低估。Man, playing BG2 3 times is a huge understatement.

说他不高兴是重事轻说。To say that he was displeased is an understatement.

误认在这里也许是一种轻描淡写。Misidentification is perhaps an understatement here.

说他是一个博物学家,那全是一个低估。To call him a polymath would be a gross understatement.

阿尔达的“不当入侵”的描述是轻描淡写。ALDA's "improperly intrude" depiction is an understatement.

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称这个公司为知识界的精英群一点都不为过。To call the company a meritocracy would be an understatement.

不用担心,贝克特对于美德进行了无声的陈述。Never mind that Beckett made a virtue of muted understatement.

说人们疑神疑鬼已经是轻描淡写啦。To say that people are skeptical is the grossest understatement.

若说这些公司拥有长远视野,这只是在轻描淡写而已。To say these companies had long-term visions is an understatement.

这是个诚恳的回答,当然也有一些潜台词。It was an honest response, and also something of an understatement.

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若只是说澳洲资源丰富,这明显有些轻描淡写.To say Australia is rich in resources would be a gross understatement.

说博客经历了指数级增长是有点儿低估它了。To say that blogs experienced exponential growth is a bit of an understatement.

用“吓晕了”来形容观众和潘妮蒂尔的反应都不为过。To say the crowd and Panettiere were a bit stunned is a bit of an understatement.

如果要说我当时的感受,说是被雷击了都不过分。Describing my feeling, upon seeing it, as thunderstruck would be an understatement.

“那对精神健康是有害的,”贝蒂·惠兰很委婉地说。"That's detrimental to16 mental health, " says Betty Whelan with considerable understatement.

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要说本轮经济周期的这一阶段好不容易才来,仍嫌言有不达。To say this last stage has been long in coming in this economic cycle is a major understatement.

女孩们很早就学习化妆,但是妆容要朴素一些,过浓的妆也是行不通的。Girls are taught very early on to wear it, however emphasis is on understatement again, too much is a No-Go as well.

在其论文中,研究者说它可以被用做记忆强化,这种说法似乎有点保守。In their paper, the researchers say that it could be used as a memory-enhancer – which seems like an understatement.