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瑞典3-2阿根廷。Sweden 3-2

我认为是瑞典。I think Sweden.

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在瑞典,可发生性关系的法定年龄年龄是15岁。The way in Sweden is 15.

他在瑞典的乌普萨拉城市。He was Uppsala, in Sweden.

让我们再用瑞典举个例子。Let’s use Sweden as an example.

可以用一下伊乐瑞胶原蛋白。Sweden could use Elodea collagen.

瑞典与挪威、芬兰接壤。Sweden borders Norway and Finland.

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因此彼得向西打起了瑞典的主意。So Peter looked west towards Sweden.

你晓得瑞典的生齿有几多吗?Do you know the population of Sweden?

他死在瑞典二千二。He died in Sweden in two thousand two.

他是新任命的校长助理。He was appointed ambassador to Sweden.

我们渡河到了瑞典。We crossed over the river into Sweden.

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兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。A city of southern Sweden north of Malm?

多年以来,瑞典一直令左翼分子心潮澎湃。For years Sweden has made lefties swoon.

是由瑞典和香港地区EF直接负责的,是EF的门户站点。Com. It is handled by Sweden and Hong Kong.

电视购物是在瑞典越来越受欢迎。Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden.

在1709年,瑞典输给俄罗斯时In 1709, that's when Sweden loses to Russia.

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为什么你会选择在瑞典进行治疗Why did you choose Sweden for the procedure?

波林于1920年出生在瑞典。Bohlin was born in Sweden in nineteen twenty.

维京人生活在丹麦、挪威和瑞典。Vikings lived in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.