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而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。CAST upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal.

让我这颗熟睡的心恢复了激烈的跳动!Let I this heart that sleep soundly recovered the vehemence of flutter!

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首先,为什么军售引起了北京激烈反应?First, why does Beijing react with such rhetorical vehemence to the arms sales?

半神以及更高神格的神力存在免疫奥库斯的“深渊之怒”影响。Lesser gods and higher ranked divine beings are immune to Orcus' Abyssal Vehemence.

人与动物不同,难以衡量的是在于人类情感的深度和强度。what an immeasurable difference there is in the depth and vehemence of his emotions!

而今争辩的激烈更深层次的根源在于1997年的亚洲金融危机。The vehemence of today's dispute has deeper roots, in the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

哪想得到刚一见面,撞见的就是那样激烈的场面。Which ambition to get just on conference, flee into of be so the condition of the vehemence.

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死字一出,贺宸全身上下涌现出一股巨大的气势。The dead word is a , the He Chen up and down streams out to appear a huge vehemence entire over.

但他所表现的这种激烈忿怒的态度,清楚地显明他是被怎样的一种精神所支配。But the vehemence and passion manifested by the legate revealed too plainly the spirit by which he was actuated.

登上山顶,那一道道沙峰如大海中的金色波浪,气势磅礴,汹涌澎湃。Ascend summit of hill, that a pass sand peak such as gold color within ocean wave, vehemence pound Bo, dashing surge.

而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。While the shadow of his figure, which the sunlight CAST upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal.

在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来。In a combat of vehemence , the captain suddenly discovers the machine of an enemy to come down toward the battlefield swoop.

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作为贸易公司产品的多样性,为我们在竞争激烈的市场中奠定了扎实的基础。It Be diverse sex of the trading company product, lay firm foundation in the competition the market of the vehemence for us.

大地的气势厚实和顺,君子应增厚美德,容载万物。The vehemence of the earth is thick actually amiable, the gentleman should increase thick virtue and permit to carry creation.

金门桥气势宏伟,外形壮观,色调独特,已成为旧金山的标志。Bridge vehemence in Kinmen grandiosity, the shape grand view, the tone is special, having become the marking of San Franciscos.

招式没有一点花巧之处,气势磅礴,让人不敢正面相碰。The recruit type doesn't have the area of some bloom Qiao, vehemence pound Bo, people don't dare to mutually touch face to face.

自从入校以来,我就深深地意识到社会竞争的激烈性和残酷性。Went into ever since that time since school, I was aware of the vehemence and the ruthlessness of the social competition profoundly.

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随着国际经济贸易的不断发展,国际间倾销与反倾销的斗争更为激烈。With the developing of the international economy trade, the international conflict is more vehemence between dumping and anti-dumping.

我的激烈,说出要求时不耐烦又充满怒意的语气,提供给我一种拥有正当理由的气势,一个能提出站得住脚的索求的有利地位。My vehemence , the tone of my demand, impatient and full of anger, lent me an air of justification, the advantage of a well founded claim.

我鼓足气势吐气开声瞪回去,就发觉明寐正用手帕轻轻在我脸上擦拭。I drum foot the vehemence let out to open a voice to stare to return to, discover clear Mei be softly using handkerchief to wipe on my face.