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这是纽卡索泰恩大学医学院的网站。Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

后来我从纽卡斯尔大学毕业并且拿到了跨文化交流专业的学位。I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication.

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他是优秀年轻选手团体中的一员,但是错误地住在了纽卡斯尔。He is a member of theelite squad of youngsters, but made the mistake of living in Newcastleupon Tyne.

英格兰北部的泰恩-威尔郡是最先将古典音乐研制成武器的地区之一。Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music.

“你可以减少一个并且用另一个代替,这两种是不会‘转变’成不同形式的,”Tyne说。“While you can lose one and replace it with another, the two never “convert” into different forms, ” Tyne says.

李云飞毕业于英国纽卡斯尔大学,并在中国人民大学学习中文及东亚政治。Chris Gill has a degree in Politics from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the People's University of China.

10多年前,在泰恩-威尔郡地铁站就配备了扩音器播放古典音乐。Over ten years ago stations on the Tyne and Wear Metro were equipped with speakers that blasted out classical music.

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在一年的期间中它甚至已经取代1928年建造的著名泰恩河桥而成为泰恩河河畔的新标志。In thespace of a year it has become THE new symbol of Tyneside, replacing even the famous 1928 Tyne Bridge in that regard.

“大部分女人的身体不会产生足够的睾丸素而像那一些电视上宣传的健美运动员那样的‘体积庞大’,”Tyne说。"Most women's bodies do not produce nearly enough testosterone to become 'bulky' like those body builders on TV, " Tyne says.

“大部分女性的身体不会产生足够的睾丸素而像那些电视上宣传的健美运动员那样的‘体积庞大’,”Tyne说。“Most women’s bodies do not produce nearly enough testosterone to become ‘bulky’ like those body builders on TV, ” Tyne says.

由于腹股沟拉伤,英国人已经休养了一段时间,也将错过本周末同桑德兰的泰恩威尔德比。The Englishman has been hampered by injury and is ruled out of the Tyne and Wear derby against Sunderland this weekend following a groin strain.

泰恩河成为造船业的中心所在地。长久以来,纽卡斯尔的船厂一直处于世界最大的船舶修理中心之列。The Tyne River became a major focus for shipbuilding, and Newcastle's shipyards were long among the largest ship-repairing centers in the world.

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在环境卫生官员在她的近邻康考特、泰恩和威尔家里放置了录音设备之后,她被传唤至法庭。She was taken to court after Environmental Health officers placed recording equipment in the flat next door to her house in Concord, Tyne and Wear.

横跨泰恩河,位于南岸盖茨黑德湾艺术区和北岸纽卡斯尔码头沿岸一带之间。It is built across the River Tyne, between Gateshead's Quays arts quarter on the south bank and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank.

这种在中国和日本被视为美味的蟹种已经在英国的泰晤士河、亨伯河和泰恩河都被发现。They are considered a delicacy in China and Japan when eaten raw and are already present in some British rivers including the Thames, Humber and Tyne.

“你也许要在跑前进行热身和伸展运动,但是假如你想举重的话,还是等到锻炼完肌肉伸展之后再进行,”Tyne建议说。“You might want to warm-up and stretch before a run, but if you are lifting weights wait until after the workout to stretch your muscles, ” Tyne suggests.

英格兰东北部北海边泰恩河口的一个自治城镇。是一个港口、造船中心和海滨疗养胜地。人口200,100。A borough of northeast England on the North Sea at the mouth of the Tyne River. It is a port, shipbuilding center, and seaside resort. Population, 200,100.

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在麦克唐纳磨损犬儒镇的家华盛顿,泰恩河和,昨天不知道是多久,他将坚持围绕纪录诞生后跟踪他。Cynics in Macdonald's home town of Washington, Tyne and Wear, were yesterday wondering how long he will stick around after the birth with his track record.

这些泰恩-威尔郡地铁管理人员说,这些年轻人“倒没干什么违法活动”,但是他们“在车站骂骂咧咧、抽烟,骚扰了乘客。”The young people were "not getting up to criminal activities," admitted Tyne and Wear Metro, but they were "swearing, smoking at stations and harassing passengers."

而当我发现一个潜在的人肉炸弹时,我反倒认为他是那种坚称“泰恩·黛莉是史上最伟大的玫瑰舞后”的人,比默曼还要出色。Instead, when I spot a potential suicide bomber, I think of him as someone who insists that Tyne Daly was the greatest Mama Rose of all time, even better than Merman.