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没有诗人可以抒怀。No poet can poet it.

诗人老矣,孤独。The poet is old, alone.

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李白是一个浪漫主义诗人。Libai is a romantic poet.

英国诗人雪莱。P. B. Shelley, British poet.

英国诗人彭斯.R。Robbert Burns, British poet.

拜伦作了这个时代的诗人。This had Byron for its poet.

辽宁省抚顺市诗人。A poet from Fushun, Liaoning.

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但是此诗人并无这样一个语词。But the poet has no one term.

他这位诗人受到很高的评价。He is highly rated as a poet.

英国诗人丁尼生,A。Alfred Tennyson, British poet.

他不愧为诗人。He deserves the title of poet.

他是一个名不虚传的诗人。He is poet worthy of the name.

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他无疑地是位伟大的诗人。He is unarguably a great poet.

颜峻,声音艺术家,诗人。Yan Jun, Sound artist and poet.

他既是个兵士,又是个诗人。He is both a soldier and a poet.

兰波是我最喜欢的外国诗人!He was my favorite foreign poet.

诗人天生,辩才练成。Poet is born, but orator is made.

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德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。The German poet Heine was Jewish.

诗人有时改变词的重音。A poet sometimes falsifies accent.

他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。He is a poet from another century.