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他扎好雨衣的带子。He belted up his raincoat.

他将雨衣裹裹紧。He pulls his raincoat tighter.

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他把手深深地伸进雨衣口袋里。He dipped in his raincoat pocket.

你知道这种蓑衣的制作材料是什么吗?What is this coir raincoat made of?

我的雨衣被铁钩勾住了。My raincoat was caught up on the hook.

你不需要雨伞或雨衣。You don't need your umbrella or raincoat.

把雨衣放在栏杆上去滴干。Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain.

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他穿上雨衣从值班室走出来。He put on his raincoat out from the duty room.

他的雨衣在那,那软座垫椅上His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair

她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat.

你需要带一把伞还是一件雨衣?。Do you need to bring an umbrella or a raincoat?

江南的蓑衣飘扬在诗意中。Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry.

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雨衣的袖口扣得紧紧的。The cuffs of the raincoat are tightly buckled up.

下雨了很湿,别忘了你的雨伞和雨衣。It's wet. Don't forget your umbrella and raincoat.

你著名的蓝雨衣破烂地搭在肩上Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder

快去追你父亲,他忘了带雨衣。Run after your father, he's forgotten his raincoat.

你那件出了名的蓝雨衣连肩膀都磨破了。Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder.

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一个人带着一顶大帽子,穿着雨衣和一双靴子。A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat and boots.

爱是清掉他雨衣上的冰片儿。Love is cleaning the pieces of ice off his raincoat.

她进屋前先脱掉雨衣。She pulled off her raincoat before entering the room.