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外勤兵提供重型火力支援。Field Ops provides more heavy fire power support.

与营运部及公司其它部门保持良好的沟通。Keep in good communication with Ops and other dept.

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除了看日落,这里还可以看到鹰,同样也是拍照的好去处。It's also a prime eagle-watching spot and place for photo ops.

潜行者作为一个秘密行动角色,擅长使用狙击枪。Covert Ops plays a more stealth role with the aid of a sniper rifle.

我们还提出了一种基于WCBS缓存的光分组交换节点结构。We propose an output-buffered OPS node using WCBS buffer in this paper.

这款背心是为特战队员度身定做的。This vest was specifically created for the Special Ops -Operator in mind.

丽莎则坚持他的工作应该是指挥和监管战斗单位的军事行动。Lisa insisted that his job now was to command, to oversee flight-group ops.

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在这一点上,开发人员对运维的变更可由运维人员轻松的控制和验证。At this point developer changes to ops are controlled and easy to verify by ops.

这个夏天,奥马哈公立学校那些教授混合班的老师将接受一次特别的培训。This summer, OPS teachers who take on multigrade classes will receive special training.

计划执行MML文件,系统命令文件,EME脚本文件或OPS脚本文件。AM to schedule execution of MML files, system command files, EME scripts, or OPS scripts.

接受一个销售目标,一个生产线上的工作,一个涉及运营方面的工作,别作太多计划,也别要求要“青云直上”。Take a sales quota, a line role, an ops job. Don't plan too much, and don't expect a direct climb.

与此同时,当没有会战的时候,用你的小号挣钱。Also, for down times when there are no alliance ops whatsoever just use your alts for making some cash.

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这个安排仔细的把总统和他的夫人每一个时段都排满大量的正面事件、采访和拍照。It carefully stages of the president and his wife in a flood of positive events, interviews and photo ops.

还有“我们的间谍”究竟发现了什么巴基斯坦政府不想让他知道的关于ISI的“黑色行动”?And what was it “our spy” was discovering about the ISI’s black ops that Pakistan didn’t want him to learn?

这支由不到100人所组成的部队,通过历年来所取得的卓越战功而赢得了世人的赞誉。Consisting of no more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its reputation through a history of successful ops.

虽然这支部队只有不到100人的规模,但是却因其在历次的反恐怖行动中而取得的一次次辉煌的成功,而为其自身赢得响亮的名声。Consisting of no more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its reputation through a history of successful ops.

这是一个复杂的过程,通常需要操作人员的体力劳动和大量停机时间。It's a complicated transaction that usually requires manual labor from ops people and substantial downtime.

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方法对132例口服有机磷中毒者进行急性中毒2年后的随访调查。Methods A two-year follow-up study was performed in 132 OPs poisoning patients with non-occupational exposure.

回想一下,当总统仅仅通过离开国家以为拍照摆姿势而能在媒体上占据主流的时刻。Think back to when a President could dominate the news by simply leaving the country and posing for some photo ops.

邓子恢的一生曲折多难,曾先后五次遭受“左”倾错误的批判。The whole life of Deng Zihui was foil of ops and downs, and he had five times been persecuted by the "Left" deviation.