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首先请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎我们园长讲话。Please let our rector make the oration first, clap your hands.

从1827年到1846年他任该大学的教授和校长。From 1827 to 1846 he was professor and rector at that university.

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他成为一个小教区的教区长,在那里主事了几年圣事。He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.

该校前任“学生校长”是自由民主党前党首查尔斯·肯尼迪。The departing Rector is Charles Kennedy, former leader of the Liberal Democrats.

每个教区有一个牧师负责,被称为牧师或者教区长。Each parish is in the care of a priest, who is called either a vicar or a rector.

尊敬的巴基斯坦国立现代语言大学校长—阿齐兹先生Respected Mr. Aziz Ahmad Khan, Rector of the National University of Modern Languages

教区长素来不愿意看到变动,所以整天都到外边去了。The rector had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes.

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“泄密者”爱德华·斯诺登日前被选为格拉斯哥大学“学生校长”职位。Whistleblower Edward Snowden has been elected to the historic position of Rector of the University of Glasgow.

姚校长在颁奖仪式上特别向赞助机构致送纪念品,以感谢该集团对澳门大学长期的支持。Out of gratitude for its long-term sponsorship, Rector Iu took the chance to present souvenirs to the Group's representative.

他1933年加入纳粹党,同年他成为弗赖堡大学校长,并对所有犹太教授的解雇进行监督。He joined the Nazi party in 1933 when he became rector of Freiburg University and oversaw the dismissal of all Jewish professors.

这时总会长向受派遣的传教士致以问候,并嘱咐他们要继续履行鲍思高的传教梦想。Here the Rector Major greeted the departing missionaries reminding them they are now continuing the missionary dream of Don Bosco.

这位弗雷德里克斯堡圣乔治主教教堂的牧师表示,她听到的一些评论让她感到愤怒。The Associate Rector at St. George's Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia says that some of the comments she heard disturbed her. St.

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佐伊·索尔达娜饰演的卡拉勒娅·雷斯特雷波在十岁时目睹自己的父母被哥伦比亚毒品大王唐·路易斯残酷杀害。Zoe Saldana as Cara Miller, rector of Leibo at the age of ten when his parents were witnessed Columbia drug Baron don Lewis brutally murdered.

Nali教授曾经当过医学院院长和大学校长,并从2003年3月至2005年6月任中非共和国卫生部长。Formerly Dean of the Medical School and rector of the university, Professor Nali was the CAR’s Minister of Health from March 2003 to June 2005.

这些提议来源于该党对前任伦敦皇家学院院长理查德·塞克斯先生主持的考试的调查。The proposals were the first to emerge from the party's inquiry into exams led by Sir Richard Sykes, former rector of Imperial College, London.

离开洛杉矶的市政厅之后,我驱车赶往帕萨迪纳市,与圣公会教区长埃德•培根牧师共饮咖啡。After I left City Hall in Los Angeles, I drove out to Pasadena to have a cup of coffee with the Rev. Ed Bacon, the rector of All Saints Episcopal Church.

身为哥伦比亚国立大学校长时,他曾在大礼堂内给一群骚乱的学生演讲,当众脱下裤子吸引学生的注意力。As the rector of the National University in Bogotá, Mr Mockus once dropped his trousers and mooned an auditorium of unruly students to get their attention.

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自上个月世界杯开幕到周六闭幕,自2006年以来就担任教会教区长的莫里路一直都在协助庆祝南非历史上这意义非凡的时刻。From the beginning of the World Cup last month to its conclusion Sunday, Morero, the rector since 2006, has helped celebrate South Africa’s historic moment.

迭代法中的雅克比迭代法是一种比较常用的方法,它公式简单,每迭代一次只需计算一次矩阵和向量乘法。Yacobi method belongs to iteration methods, and is widely used. It has simple formula, which needs only time multiplication of matrix and rector for one iteration.

负责一个教区的主管牧师在多少事要做啊,首先他得制订什一税的条例,既要订得于自己有利,又要不侵犯地主的利益。The rector of a parish has much to do. -- In the first place, he must make such an agreement for tithes as may be beneficial to himself and not offensive to his patron.