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他的鞍马表现的不错。He swings the pommel horse well.

剑首有清晰环纹。There are coaxial rings at the pommel.

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跳马与鞍马相似,只不过更高一点。The vault is similar to the pommel horse but taller.

中国的世界冠军肖钦夺得鞍马金牌。China's world champion Xiao Qin won the pommel horse gold medal.

螣很沮丧,但是他知道自己还要准备参加鞍马的比赛。Teng was very sad . But he knew he had to prepare for the pommel hourse.

随后布伦特的马跟着跳过,接着是吉姆斯的,他跳时紧紧抓住鞍头和马鬃。Brent’s horse followed and then Jeems’, with Jeems clinging to pommel and mane.

注意这么做的时候抓住鞍桥,不然你可能会滑下去。Make sure to hold on to the pommel while you do, 'cause you could slip otherwise.

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有滑动的痕迹装饰画上了漆,并在鞍马金牌。There are traces of painted lacquer decoration on the slide, and of gold on the pommel.

所以我在日本刀茎上做了修改,这样带螺丝扣的柄头可以使用。So I came up with a modification of the Japanese tang such that a pommel screw could be used.

他看上去疲惫不堪,倚靠在石头上,无精打采地玩弄着自己匕首的柄头。He seemed weary, and was leaning back toying in a listless manner with the pommel of his dagger.

他们骑行了整晚,提利昂不时睡着,靠着马鞍头打盹然后又突然惊醒。They rode all night, with Tyrion sleeping fitfully, dozing against the pommel and waking suddenly.

陈一冰,22岁,摘得吊环金牌,21岁的肖钦在星期五成功卫冕鞍马冠军。Chen Yibing, 22, won rings gold, as Xiao Qin, 21, successfully defended the pommel horse on Friday.

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男选手中,滕海滨在他参加的各个项目上都没什么挑战对手——鞍马、跳马和双杠。Among the men, Teng Haibin has few challengers in any of the disciplines — pommel horse, vault and parallel bars.

男选手中,滕海滨在他参加的各个项目上都没什么挑战对手——鞍马、跳马和双杠。Among the men, Teng Haibin has few challengers in any of the disciplines -- pommel horse, vault and parallel bars.

男子个人单项包括自由体操、跳马、鞍马、单杠、双杠和吊环。The individual events for men include floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings.

萧青捍卫着他“鞍马王”的荣誉,在这次体操锦标赛中,为中国对获得了第5枚金牌。Xiao Qin maintained his dominance on pommel horse to win China's 5th gold medal at the gymnastic world championship.

国内自从张峰治选手荣获1990年北京亚运会鞍马项目铜牌之后,鞍马即成为我国选手发展的重点项目之一。Pommel Horse becomes our national focus after Feng-Chih Chang won a bronze medal in 1990. Beijing Asia Games gymnastics.

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2008年,在全国锦标赛少年,莱瓦赢得了全方位,高标准,双杠,鞍马冠军。In 2008, at the Junior National Championships, Leyva won the all-around, high bar, parallel bars, and pommel horse titles.

抓紧前鞍你就会没事,这母马走的很稳,再说瓦雷利亚龙道光滑的堪比少女的屁股。Hold tight to the pommel and you'll do fine. The mare's got a nice sweet gait, and the dragon road's smooth as a maiden's arse.

它的设计与罗纹处理和棕榈膨胀的收敛到一个近距离作战的金属柄端优越的抓地力。It was designed with the ribbed handle and palm swell that converge to a metal pommel for superior grip in close quarters combat.