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压力不稳是液相色谱常见的故障。The press unsteadiness is a familiar trouble.

这样就消除了图象的模糊和不稳定。Thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images.

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倒立摆系统是非线性、耦合、变量和自然不稳定的系统。Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.

将渔夫步履跟随和“人影婆婆”的醉态表现得惟妙惟肖。It gets across to the listener vividly the unsteadiness of the fisherman and the sentimental mood he is in.

在临床上表现为静止性震颤、肌强直、运动迟缓和姿势不稳等四大主要特征。PD has four essential characteristics, such as static tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural unsteadiness.

心就像一条毒蛇,通过谛听妙音忘掉所有的妄念,她就不会到处跑动。The mind is like a serpent, forgetting all its unsteadiness by hearing the nada , it does not run away anywhere.

通过单位根检验,可知铁路货运量及其影响因素的时序列数据是非平稳的。The unsteadiness of the time series of railway freight volume and its influence factors are proved by unit root test.

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另一方面,其分化过程中出现的一些问题有可能诱发社会政治的不稳定。On the other hand, some problems caused by the changes in social stratification may cause social politics unsteadiness.

对汽油脱硫醇装置脱硫醇率低、精制汽油产品质量不稳定的原因进行了分析。Low sweetening efficiency of gasoline sweetening device and unsteadiness quality of refined gasoline products are analyzed.

播放器支持绝大多数的SD卡和U盘,极少数SD卡U盘本身不稳定或速度太慢的不支持。This mp3 player supports normal SD memory card and moblile U disk except some which is unsteadiness and too slow-speed ones.

在实际应用中提出了解决现场信号不稳定的两种测量方法,即周期计数和定时截取的测量方法。Two measuring methods of period-counting and timing break forward in order to practically solve the unsteadiness of the site signal.

偏瘫患者的步态特点为患肢支撑不稳、摆动不全和骨盆过度倾斜。The characteristics of hemiplegic gait present unsteadiness in stance phase, incomplete swing in affected limb and excess tilt of pelvis.

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而考虑基元非定常流动的叶型设计和排间缘线匹配技术将是未来叶轮机非定常气动设计的核心。The blade design with consideration of flow unsteadiness and the edge matching will be the hard-core of unsteady design of turbomachinery.

虽然东北亚地区存在着各种问题和不稳定因素,但总的形势还是朝着缓和的方向发展。Although there are various problems and unsteadiness factors in Northeast Asian region, the main tendency is towards mitigating orientation.

有朝一日,部分丧失平衡感的患者将可以通过在内耳的电子植入物重获正常的视觉和平衡感。Electronic implants in the inner ear may one day restore clear vision and equilibrium in some patients who experience disabling unsteadiness

新型光纤探针分辨能力和以往带金尖光纤探针相当,但克服了其易损坏,不稳定的缺点。The novel probe tip reaches the resolution of metallic nano-particle probe, but overcomes the shortcomings of frangibility and unsteadiness.

计算结果较好地反映了竖井周围岩体不稳定关键块在爆破振动作用下沿断层破坏、崩落的动力学过程。The result of blasting simulation clearly shows the movement of the silo is due to the unsteadiness jointing rock mass under applied blasting vibration load.

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试模用料请贵司提供,因我司采购材料有困难,因量太小,而材质不稳定。Material of trail-molding supplied by you , you know that it's very hard for us to buy the material with small quantity, and the quality is also unsteadiness.

另一起初无症状的基底动脉之动脉瘤在十八个月内,自直径三公厘快速成长至直径十公厘,而后病人有头晕和步态不稳的症状。The initial asymptomatic aneurysms on the basilar tip grew up quickly, from 3mm to 10mm in diameter in 18 months, and the patient had dizziness and unsteadiness.

在传统环境下手机行业的销售渠道存在渠道关系不稳定、库存压力大、渠道信息不对称等问题。Under traditional conditions, there were several problems such as unsteadiness of corporation relation, great storage burden, and dissymmetry of channel information.