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罗马大学安东尼奥教授是位人口统计学家。Professor Antonio Golini is a demographer at the University of Rome.

“我真的非常震惊,”牛津大学人口统计学家斯图尔特·让泰尔-巴斯顿评论计划生育政策。Oxford demographer who has argued for the end of the one-child policy.

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“佛罗里达州过去是人们的迁入地,”布鲁金斯学会人口学家威廉·H·弗雷说道。"Florida was a state people moved to, " said William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution.

莫妮卡,是人口统计学家,也是世界银行的亚洲专家,她说南韩偏爱男性的时代“结束了”。Male preference in South Korea “is over,” says Monica Das Gupta, a demographer and Asia expert at the World Bank.

韩国的重男轻女“已经结束,”人口学家、世界银行亚洲专家莫尼卡·达斯·古普塔说。Male preference in South Korea “is over, ” says Monica Das Gupta, a demographer and Asia expert at the World Bank.

美国一位人口统计学家曾说,从目前美国的人口走势来看,这第三亿个人可能会是一个拉丁裔男婴。One demographer has said the 300 millionth person would likely be a Latino boy given current U.S. population trends.

人口学家马寅初先生第一个在我国提出了人口问题需要极大关注的话题。It was the demographer Mr. MA Yinchu who first brought up the issue of population which should call for more of our concern.

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今天节目组采访了华盛顿人口资料局人口统计学家马克•马瑟博士,他就美国2010年人口普查状况发表了看法。EarthSky spoke with Dr. Mark Mather, a demographer at the Washington, D.C.- based Population Reference Bureau, about the 2010 U.S. Census.

“我真的非常震惊,”牛津大学人口统计学家斯图尔特·让泰尔-巴斯顿评论计划生育政策。"I'm shaking to be honest, " said Stuart Gietel-Basten, an University of Oxford demographer who has argued for the end of the one-child policy.

南开大学人口统计学家李建民教授警告说,无子女单身男性的晚景堪忧。“这些单身男人上了年纪后,如何照顾他们将成为一个社会问题。”Professor Li Jianmin, a demographer at Nankai University, warns of the outlook for childless males. “Elder care for these single men will be a social problem,” he says.

由于对中央政府的请求很少被公开报道,一些人怀疑张主任的机会主义,“他感觉到了风声,于是准备试着迈出第一步”,一位人口学家如此评论。Because requests to the central government are seldom aired in public, some people suspect Mr Zhang of opportunism. “He smelled the air and is making a move,” says one demographer.

中国最新人口普查公布后,清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心主任、人口学家王丰表示,其结果“令人担忧。”The results are "alarming, " said Wang Feng, a demographer and director of the the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy in Beijing, after the release of the country's latest census.