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“鲸之谷”是一个美丽而冷酷的地方。Wadi Hitan is a beautiful but unforgiving place.

它还提供了无限机会疯狂河道水上乐园。It also provides Unlimited access to Wild Wadi Water Park.

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然而,我们在瓦迪玛沙会的工作已经对他们产生了影响。Our work in Wadi Mashash has had some impact on them, however.

瓦地伦的宁静之美带来奇幻感受,感染了我们所有的人。The quiet beauty of Wadi Rum instills wonder that infects us all.

瓦迪玛沙什的树长得很好并开始结果。The trees in Wadi Mashash developed well and have started to bear fruit.

此后,他在芍勒克平原又爱上一个女人,名叫德里拉。After that he fell in love with a woman in the Wadi Sorek whose name was Delilah.

阿骆驼处理问题要求在瓦迪鲁姆于2008年10月12号照片在Petra,约旦。A camel handler poses for a photograph in Wadi Rum on October 12, 2008 in Petra, Jordan.

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我呆在“鲸之谷”的最后一晚,繁星点点,我们在营地外走了一小会儿。On my last night in Wadi Hitan, we walked a little distance from camp under a dome of brilliant stars.

约旦方面接船后,乘车简单游览亚喀巴市容,眺望以色列港口埃拉特夜景,随后送往月亮沙漠中的帐篷宿营地。Receive the group at Aqaba port afternoon, short time city tour in Aqaba city, send to tent camp in Wadi Rumi.

地点,维里斯的电影是在全国各地,在约旦首都安曼,亚喀巴,死海,谷酒,和佩特拉。The locations for Sawiris's film are all over the country, in Amman, Aqaba, the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, and Petra.

约旦慈济志工前往洼地阿顿地区,为居民带来热食。Jordan's Tzu Chi organization once again travel to the Wadi Abdoun district to bring hot food to the tent city.

起初在瓦迪纳特伦修道院团体的强大影响下,保持着生命力。It was kept alive first by the strength of the monastic communities of Wadi n' Natrun which used it extensively.

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航空展上,约旦皇家猎鹰飞行队正飞跃约旦的瓦迪拉姆山,凝结的尾迹在机身后伸展开来。Vapor trails stretch behind a Royal Jordanian Falcons plane during an air show over Jordan's Wadi Rum mountains.

起先,瓦地伦看起来好像没有生命迹象,不过渐渐地,我开始注意到紫色的花朵和一小丛一小丛的深绿色叶子。At first, Wadi Rum appears lifeless. But slowly, I begin to see purple flowers and small clumps of deep-green foliage.

今天的游客来到鲸鱼谷,行走在石头铺就的道路上,可以看到岩石以及早已作古的海洋生物的化石。Today visitors to Wadi Hitan walk a stone-lined path to see rocks that hold the fossils of the long-gone sea creatures.

Wadi说去探望妈妈的时候,看到自己的两个兄弟打起来来,他们分别支持哈马斯和法塔赫。Ms. Wadi said that when she visited her mother, her two brothers fought bitterly because one backs Hamas and the other backs Fatah.

客人希望探索镇附近的海滨旅游购物在迪拜滨海购物中心或家庭乐趣在疯狂维迪水上乐园。Guests looking to explore the town can travel nearby to waterfront shopping at Dubai Marina Mall or family fun at Wild Wadi Waterpark.

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尼罗河畔瓦迪哈勒法小镇的穆罕默德·艾尔哈桑当时正在从清真寺回家的路上,他拿出手机抓拍到了一些照片。Mohammed Elhassan, walking home from his local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos.

传统服装的一个酒吧的人准备服务于游客的豪华帐篷于2008年10月12日在Petra,约旦贝都因人在瓦迪鲁姆沙漠营地。A bar man in traditional dress prepares to serve tourists at a luxury tented Bedouin desert camp in Wadi Rum on October 12, 2008 in Petra, Jordan.

那时所罗门和以色列众人,就是从哈马口直到埃及小河,所有的以色列人都聚集成为大会,守节七日。So Solomon observed the festival at that time for seven days, and all Israel with him-a vast assembly, people from Lebo Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt.