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组间分析采用方差分析。Analysis of variance was applied in the intergroup analysis.

描述组织如何管理冲突。Discuss interpersonal and intergroup conflict in organizations.

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各组间差别用独立样本t检验进行比较。The intergroup difference was compared with the independent sample t test.

组间比较采用t检验,采用直线相关分析。The t test was applied in the intergroup comparison. Linear correlation analysis was used.

完成工作任务、实现组织目标,有赖于各个团体之间的协调。Fulfilling the tasks and realizing the organizations' goal depend on intergroup harmonization.

对族群身份认同与族际交往的研究主要来自于社会心理学。Ethnic identity and intergroup contact are mostly studied from the perspective of social psychology.

理论阐释了语言行为、社会身份、组间关系这三者之间的联系。The theory illuminates the relations among language behavior, social identity and intergroup relations.

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组间计量资料差异性比较采用方差分析和t检验。The analysis of variance and t test were applied in comparing the intergroup difference of measurement data.

血液淋巴细胞和血小板计数在所有观察时点两组间均无显著差异。There were no significant intergroup differences in lymphocyte and platelet counts at all time points observed.

近代早期西欧瘟疫阴影下的群际心理与关系发生明显变化。The intergroup psychology and relation underwent evident change under the plague shadow in early modern Western European.

文化进化保持群组间多样性的能力,为文化的系统发育研究提供了可能性。The ability of cultural evolution to maintain intergroup diversity is what allows for the study of cultural phylogenetics.

而角色理论则表明,组织中相互重叠的角色系统导致的角色功能的模糊不清,是引发部门间冲突的根本原因。From role set theory, the system of overlapping role sets in the organization is the main reason causing intergroup conflict.

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多文化组织具有较少的偏见和歧视,群体间的冲突也维持在低水平上。The multicultural organization is marked by an absence of prejudice and discrimination and by low levels of intergroup conflict.

利用嵌入的团队间关系理论和社会身份理论,本文提出了一个外部团队网络化的多层次模型。Drawing on embedded intergroup relations theory and social identity theory, I propose a multilevel model of external team networking.

主要对两组学生在学期初及学期末卡特尔16项人格因素问卷一级因素、次级因素得分进行比较,组间比较采用配对t检验。The scores of the first-degree factors and secondary factors of 16PF were compared, the paired t test was applied in the intergroup comparison.

接着采用组间设计,用启动范式探讨了内隐助人态度对助人行为的影响。In this research, the effects of implicit helpful attitude on helping behavior are examined via the methods of intergroup design and activation paradigm.

两组人第一次发现了对方,并且不久后组与组之间的冲突迹象以语言上的侮辱这种形式出现了。For the first time the two groups were allowed to find out about each other and soon the signs of intergroup conflict emerged in the form of verbal abuse.

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组际交往、互动是教师与学生、学生与学生在课堂教学情境中发生的具有促进性的相互作用或影响。Intergroup Communication and Interaction has an active influence on teaching that happens in the classroom between teachers and students or among the students.

社会认同理论产生于对群体间行为解释,它认为个体对群体的认同是群体行为的基础。The social identity theory developed from the explanations for intergroup behavior, it proposed that group identity is the fundamental cause of intergroup behavior.

社会认同理论认为群体认同是群体间态度的基础,过分的民族认同容易产生消极的民族间态度。Social identity theory suggested that group identity was the basis of inter-group attitudes, ethnic identity was too strong to lead to negative intergroup attitudes.