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我的鹦鹉会学人语。My parrot can talk.

鹦鹉是鸣鸟吗?Are parrot warblers?

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爱丽丝将养一只宠物鹦鹉。Alice will keep a pet parrot.

隔邻养了一只鹦鹉。My next neighbor has a parrot.

这只鹦鹉应该有个名字。This parrot should have a name.

你的鹦鹉叫什么名字?What’s the name of your parrot?

而马拉卡纳是一种鹦鹉的名字。Maracana is a species of parrot.

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也不想要巧嘴鹦鹉。I don't want a parrot that talks.

玛丽收到一份礼物,是一只鹦鹉。Mary received a parrot as a gift.

鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了。The parrot squawked and flew away.

多言的鹦鹉在笼里睡着了。The noisy parrot sleeps in its cage.

“我听得懂每一个字,”鹦鹉说。"I got every word," says the parrot.

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这是我的鹦鹉,它的名字叫波力。This is my parrot. Its name is Polly.

你想让一个VC同意你所说的一切。You want a VC to parrot what you say.

发现一个鸟笼,里面关了支鹦鹉!He spots a birdcage with a parrot in it!

戴维生日时收到了一只鹦鹉。David received a parrot for his birthday.

“我会摔倒,”鹦鹉尖叫到。"I will fall down", screeched the parrot.

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鹦鹉坚决不肯说出自己的年龄。Parrot positively refused to tell its age.

嚼舌的鹦鹉被关在笼子里。The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage.

婴儿喜欢鹦鹉学舌一样学话。Besides like learning to say parrot fashion.