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红外线发射器。峰值波长880纳米。Infrared emitter. Peak wavelength 880 nm.

红外线发射器。峰值波长945纳米。Infrared emitter. Peak wavelength 945 nm.

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释放发射器资源——关闭发射器。Free emitter resources -- close the emitter.

释放发射器资源——关闭发射器。Free the emitter resources -- close the emitter.

发送事件——使用发射器来发送事件。Send the event -- send the event using the emitter.

获取发射器——从发射器工厂中获取发射器。Get emitter -- get an emitter from an emitter factory.

圆环状加热底盘,营建更广领域有用的日光浴场合。Large circular emitter directs heat to increase basking area.

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中国经济的发展严重依赖煤炭资源并且中国的二氧化碳排放量也居于世界前列。It relies heavily on coal and is the world's leading CO2 emitter.

晶体管中发射极和集电极之间的区域。The region in a transistor between the emitter and the collector.

再结合发生于光伏电池的极区中。Recombination occurring in the emitter region of a photovoltaic cell.

本文提出了一种三指发射极HBT的设计。A novel-layout HBT that employs a three-finger emitter is demonstrated.

我们所研究的晶体管都是把电流馈入发射极。We have been considering the transistor with a current fed into the emitter.

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目前共发射极接法用途最多,应用最广。The common emitter configuration is by far the most versatile and widely used.

介绍了一种新的亚微米发射极窗口刻蚀工艺。This paper introduces a novel submicron etching technology for emitter window.

基极总是比发射极和集电极薄得多。The base region is always very much narrower than the emitter or collector regions.

他还说,历史上最大的碳排放国美国不欠赔款。He also said the US, the biggest carbon emitter in history, did not owe reparations.

作为有史以来最大的温室气体排放国,我们理应承担责任。We have a responsibility as the world’s largest historic emitter of greenhouse gases.

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它采用红外发射管和红外接收管采集输入信号。In the device, the infrared emitter and receiver are used to collect the input signal.

非常希望你在一两个下午让你的DTMF发生器与发射器正常工作。Well hopefully you got your DTMF generator and emitter working in an afternoon or two.

美国IBM公司已经研发出世界上最小的固态光发射器。IBM, Yorktown Heights, N. Y, has created the world's smallest solid-state light emitter.