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视频分配放大器?。VDA? Video Distributing Amplifier?

他们在街上散发了传单。Distributing handbills on the street.

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锡金。不丹也有分布。Sikkim , Bhutan also has distributing.

曲率误差的空间分布研究。The study of spatial distributing of curvatures error.

他的工作是在街头发传单。His job was distributing handouts at the street-corner.

我指出这种分发拷贝的行为是不道德的。I pointed out that distributing the copy was not ethical.

你的职责是检查煳发送邮件。Your duties include checking the post and distributing it.

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它作为一个“枢纽”,把内容发送到其他网站。It acts as a “hub” for distributing content to other networks.

R2成了服务员,在贾巴的风帆游艇上分发饮料。Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge.

结合野外调查,绘制出了江苏沿海互花米草的分布图。The distributing picture was drawn combining with the field investigation.

在点火器出口处的径向温度分布是均匀的。The temperature radial distributing are evenly in the outflux of ignition.

裴李岗文化是分布于河洛地区的一支新石器时代中期文化。Peiligang Culture is a middle Neolithic Culture distributing in Heluo Area.

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它们在同义词里呈多种分布格式,但分布上有对应性。They show various distributing formats but have correspondence in synonyms.

公司在虹桥机场内拥有10000多平米的货物分拣、中转、存储仓库。SAE has a warehouse of 10000-sq. m for distributing and shipping operations.

通讯模组包括编写和分发通过网站电子报。Newsletter module including writing and distributing newsletters via website.

为准确起见,应在齿轮全周上均匀分布三点或三点以上为宜。It is proper to have three or more spots equally distributing around the gear.

水分是新疆豆科植物的分布与共生结瘤的限制性因素。Water was the limited factor for legumes distributing and the nodule formation.

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双层结构洒布管,压力均匀。With the double-construct distributing bar, it has evenness distributing press.

根据篦纹在中国的时空分布,其渊源应当是裴李岗文化。According to the distributing in China, it' s source should be Peiligang culture.

不要太早去,因为他们通常十五号才开始发薪水。Don't jump the gun because they usually start distributing paychecks on the 15th.