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我明白自己天生失聪因为某种原因,明白这是一种重要的启示。Knowing this was a major revelation.

流行摇滚歌曲,在今年的启示!Pop-rock song, revelation of the year!

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所以它也包括彼得启示录。So it has that Revelation of Peter,again.

Mitch将这次经历称为“启示”。Mitch called the experience "a revelation."

这对于我这个18岁的头脑是一个启迪。For my 18-year-old mind this was a revelation.

其实你可以理性地去给予,或者根据启示去给予。Well, you can give by reason or by revelation.

在玩具总动员的第一集终出现了相似的情形。Such a revelation occurs in the first Toy Story.

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但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

对他过去的揭露导致了他的辞职。The revelation of his past lead to his resignation.

当我们点击它时,我们就看到创世记到启发录。And when we click that, we see Genesis to Revelation.

他对我们所依赖的宗教神启持反对态度。He denied that we should rely on religious revelation.

圣约神学是圣经全部启示的架构。Covenant theology structures all of Biblical revelation.

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他不想求助于神启,这是为什么呢?He doesn't want to appeal to divine revelation ,why not?

更何况是阳光还未照见的向日葵。And what is the sunshine still not revelation sunflowers.

〈启示录〉传统上也认为是他的作品。The Book of Revelation was also traditionally assigned to him.

最后是启示录,天启。Then finally you get to the Revelation of John,The Apocalypse.

数字二在但以理书和启示录中也出现了21次。It is also used 21 times in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

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主说明了启示录中第一个象徵的语言。The Lord introduces the first symbolical language in Revelation.

你无法控制,而开诚布公比遮遮掩掩效果更好。You can't control, and revelation works better than concealment.

向天空的蓝天启示我爱大自然我爱美好的城市。To the sky blue sky revelation I love the nature I Amy good city.