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他是个心脏外科医生。He is a cardiac surgeon.

是横纹肌瘤。This is a cardiac rhabdomyoma.

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我还要雇个护士以防心脏毛病。I'd hire a Nurse in case of Cardiac Arrest.

没有患者伴发心脏症状。No patients had concomitant cardiac symptoms.

第三种心脏位置异常是右位心。The third cardiac malposition is dextrocardia.

这就是所谓的心脏再同步化治疗。This is called cardiac resynchronization therapy.

他们的心脏都有杂音,七位患者血中白血球上升。All had cardiac murmur and seven had leukocytosis.

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鱼类消费和风险的心脏性猝死。Fish consumption and risk of sudden cardiac death.

诺曼是心脏病患者,正等着做手术。Norman, a cardiac patient, is waiting for surgery.

心肌电压和心肌团块比值下降。The ratio of voltage to cardiac mass was decreased.

这种情况会造成致命性心律失常。This condition may cause lethal cardiac arrhythmias.

记录心功能,测量心肌酶活性。Cardiac muscle contractility and enzyme were examined.

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比如在睡觉时死于心脏病发。They just die of cardiac arrest while they're sleeping.

目的提高对贲门息肉X线诊断水平和检出率。Objective To improve X-ray diagnosis of cardiac polypus.

胸骨虞廔管是心脏手术之后罕见的合并症。Sternal fistulae are a seldom event after cardiac surgery.

据克拉克郡验尸官称,死因是心脏骤停。The cause was cardiac arrest, the Clark County coroner said.

这种疣状突起很小,不至于引起严重的心脏疾病。Such verrucae are too small to cause serious cardiac problems.

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当人失去信心时,心就死了,一切就结束了。When people lose confidence, cardiac death, the end of it all.

加州大学洛杉矶分校心脏病告诉TMZ网站杰克逊死于心脏骤停。A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

喷雾剂沙丁胺醇比定量吸入剂沙丁胺醇更有效?Levalbuterol is safer than albuterol in terms of cardiac effects?