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大调为钢琴四手联弹而作的第9斯拉夫舞曲。Slavonic Dance No. 9 for piano, 4 hands in B major.

e小调为钢琴四手联弹而作的第10斯拉夫舞曲。Slavonic Dance No. 10 for piano, 4 hands in E minor.

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大调为钢琴四手联弹而作的第11斯拉夫舞曲。Slavonic Dance No. 11 for piano, 4 hands in F major.

大调为钢琴四手联弹而作的第15斯拉夫舞曲。Slavonic Dance No. 15 for piano, 4 hands in C major.

斯拉夫语和拉丁文圣经,也有诗篇151篇和马卡比三书。The Slavonic and Latin Vulgate also accept Psalm 151 and 3 Maccabees.

斯拉夫语和拉丁文圣经,也有诗篇151篇和马卡比三书。The Slavonic and Latin Vulgate also accept Psalm 151 and 3 Maccabees.

实际上,在斯拉夫语中,红场这名字的含义是“大广场”和“美丽的广场”。In fact , its name in Slavonic actually means "main square " or "beautiful square.

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希腊语和斯拉夫语圣经还有以斯得拉一书,还有马卡比三书,另一本马卡比书籍。The Greek and Slavonic bibles also accept 1 Esdras, and 3 Maccabees,another Maccabean book.

只有俄罗斯总统普京和香港特别行政区长官曾荫权选择了绿色。Only Slavonic President Vladimir Putin and Hong Kong's main administrative Donald Tsang chose green.

所以西罗马天主教正典,希腊语和斯拉夫语圣经,也许包括我们的正典书目。So the Western Roman Catholic canon and Greek and Slavonic bibles will include our canon that you have,probably.

他用原来的颜色组成的唤起斯拉夫流行艺术和它类似的珍贵水印作品。He used original colour compositions which evoke Slavonic popular art and which are similar to precious watermark works.

俄罗斯总理普京“从心底感谢”国际足联选择俄罗斯作为2018年世界杯主办国。Slavonic PM Vladimir Putin has thanked Fifa "from the base of my center" for choosing Russia to be the host of the 2018 World Cup.

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他最著名的作品包括他的新世界交响乐团,斯拉夫舞曲,”美国”弦乐四重奏和B小调大提琴协奏曲。His best -known works include his New World Symphony , the Slavonic Dances , "American " String Quartet , and Cello Concerto in B minor.

克拉科夫是斯拉夫欧洲地区繁华的贸易中心,自1038年起就作为波兰的首都。在15世纪时,图中这个历史悠久的宪章被加印生效,自此克拉科夫进入了其黄金时代。Poland's capital since 1038, Krakow, the bustling trade center of Slavonic Europe, entered its golden age in the 15th century, when this historic charter was sealed.

“妇女节”在俄罗斯广受重视。当天,普京与默克尔在位于莫斯科郊外的总统官邸举行会谈,普京首先向这位德国女总理送上了节日的祝福。The Slavonic premier began talks with Merkel at his residence fair outside Moscow along congratulating her on Women's Day, which is warmhearted celebrated in Russia.

损失给伊斯兰的部分,由日尔曼人、凯尔特人和斯拉夫人在西方后帝国时期的渐进的基督教化得到了补偿。Compensation for losses to Islam was provided by the progressive Christianization of the Germanic, Celtic and Slavonic peoples of Europe in the western post-imperial epoch.

比如西罗马天主教正典,希腊语和斯拉夫语圣经,有托比特书,它属于旧约,有茱迪丝书,所罗门智训,德训篇,巴鲁书,还有耶利米书及马卡比一书二书。The Western Roman Catholic canon,and the Greek Slavonic bibles, have for example,Tobit,part of the Old Testament,Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon,Ecclesiasticus,Baruch, and the letter of Jeremiah,and 1 and 2 Maccabees.