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当然信汇比电汇要便宜多了。Of course, it is cheaper than telegraphic transfer.

您要付手续费和电报费。You will be charged commissions and telegraphic fees.

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在2006年1月27日,它发送了它最后的一封电报。It sent its last telegraphic transmission on January 27, 2006.

他那本已十分简练的行文甚至变得更紧凑、更电文式了。His already terse prose had become even tighter, more telegraphic.

我们有向国外汇款的电汇业务。We have telegraphic money orders avaliable for foreign remittances.

你可以在下一个窗口用电汇寄这笔钱。You can send this money order by telegraphic transfer at the next window.

如果信心的电线折断了,我们怎样能得到神的答应呢?But if that telegraphic wire of faith be snapped, how can we obtain the promise?

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请将货款电汇到我们在香港银行的账户里。Please remit the payment by telegraphic transfer to our bank account in Hong Kong.

她不但给我打了电报,跟着还写来了封长信。She not only sent me a telegraphic message but also followed it up with a long letter.

由电传打字机网络组成的国际电报信息传送服务。International telegraphic message-transfer service consisting of a network of teleprinters.

在听讲或阅读过程中,在主栏用简洁的语言记录下讲课内容。During the lecture, use the notetaking column to record the lecture using telegraphic sentences.

如选择电滙方式,请填上详细银行地阯及分行名称。If choose the telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.

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澳联社在国内的传播通讯网使用电传,微波和新闻图片线路。Its national communication's network includes telegraphic data, microwave and news picture circuits.

从电信运营企业来看,受金融危机的影响比较小。From the point of telegraphic operation enterprise, the effect that suffers financial crisis is less.

兹托上海银行电汇上述款项给贵公司。We have accordingly instructed the Shanghai Bank to remit that amount by telegraphic transfer to you.

当摩斯最终完成了他的电报装置,他在国会进行了展示。When Morse finally completed his telegraphic instrument, he went before Congress to show that it worked.

这将对整个电信网络和下游的互联网产业产生影响。This will be right whole and telegraphic network and influence of downstream Internet industry generation.

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根据本合同规定,由买方支付给卖方的支付款应以电汇进行。The payments to be made by the Buyer to the Seller shall, under this Contract, be made by telegraphic transfer.

汇进和汇出通常是通过信汇来完成的,即期汇票或电汇。Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft , or telegraphic transfer.

机车信号发展到一定程度后,站内电码化就成了研究的重要课题。With the locomotive signal developing, the telegraphic codes in railway station had become the more important study task.