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好的,那么这意味着什么?Okay. So what's implied here?

他的话暗示出他很不高兴。His words implied displeasure.

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这一点从燃气价格上就可以看出来。It's implied in the price of gas.

其语言艺术新鲜形象,含蓄凝炼。Its language is fresh and implied.

这个葛达玛也提到过。This is implied in Gadamer as well.

超过一跳起摆动是不言而喻的。More than a twirling wobble is implied.

不能够保证系统采用这个设置。No guarantee is implied by this setting.

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要保证浪漫和性暗示不受到妨碍。Some romance and implied sexuality never hurt.

尼采的论点中包含了所有这些。All of this is implied in Nietzsche's argument.

这至少意味著七件奇妙的事情。At least, these implied seven wonderful things.

条款、协定、合约与默示同意Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent

本册并非一份默认或明示的合同。The brochure is not an implied or express contract.

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最后含蓄的表露像是最后判决。The final implied effusion is like a last judgment.

他说的是,这是某种默认的同意。I think that he says that it's kind of implied consent.

详细陈述不守约的明示的或暗示的承诺。Specify the real or implied commitment that was broken.

奖金的回归中蕴含的乐观情绪颇具英雄气概。The optimism implied in the return of bonuses is heroic.

在本协议中炬力并未向您授予任何默示许可。There are no implied licenses granted under this Agreement.

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她说自己没法注意到任何含蓄的沟通。All manner of implied communications go unnoticed, she said.

MDMP用于从多媒体数据库中挖掘出隐含的用户感兴趣的知识。The MDMP can mine implied knowledge on user interest in MDB.

他对我过分的热情说明他有什么事在瞒着我。That he overburnt to me implied he had something hidden from me.