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你的轮胎磨平了,不安全。It is insecurity for your tyres flatted.

这种冒险事业的不安全性使投资者望而却步。The insecurity of the venture kept investors away.

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孩子长大后面临的首要问题是不安全感。The number one problem kids have growing up is insecurity.

毁灭自然,也就增加了贫穷和不安全性。Destroy your nature and you increase poverty and insecurity.

洛维兹自然会变得多疑而没有安全感喽。Naturally, Wolowitz is overcome with paranoia and insecurity.

即使一个安全的连接也不能完全消除安全隐患。Even a secure connection does not completely eliminate insecurity.

这就于你自身产生了风险,以及生活中的不稳定性。This created insecurity within yourself and instability in your life.

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没有这一进步,将永远存在着无保障和健康不良现象。Without that progress, insecurity and ill-health will be perpetuated.

第一,无安全感是从持续觉得不被接受发展而来的。First, insecurity grows out of a persistent sense of being unaccepted.

默默忍受只会加重自己精神紧张的程度。Bear meeting him accentuation silently the degree of mental insecurity.

在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。Conceit,in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity.

这孩子无依无靠的感觉是由于他母亲早死所造成的。The child's feeling of insecurity was caused by his mother's early death.

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在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。Conceit, in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity.

51job网最近关于职员的不安定感做了一项调查。The website 51job. com recently conducted a survey on employee insecurity.

这个厂的合同制工人都曾担心“纸饭碗”不牢靠。All contract workers worry about the insecurity of their "paper rice bowl".

在一段上瘾型的爱情关系里,不安全和依赖性是主旋律。In an addictive love relationship, insecurity and dependency are the themes.

所有这些事情都可能消失,你在没有安全感的状态下成长着。All of these things can disappear and you’re left growing up with insecurity.

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那个时代一些遗留下来的日记和信都反映了大众当时无比不安的心理。Diaries and letters from the period reveal a populace fraught with insecurity.

和许多谨慎的买家一样,陆先生也担心网络购物的不安全因素。As with many cautious buyers, Luk also worried about online shopping insecurity.

它构筑了不安全感并虚构出疑惑、无力的心情。It institutionalizes insecurity and fosters a mood of confusion and powerlessness.