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我想从审判上来看这对我方有利。And I think judicially we'll find favor.

杰弗里走进那栏马,用审视的目的目光一匹接一匹地望去。Geoffrey approached the line of horses and glanced judicially down the row.

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已办理司法冻结的股份不得再申请办理质押登记。No pledge registration application may be filed for any shares judicially frozen.

大多数约有800辆车皆因违反联邦罪名使用车辆而遭司法上没收。Most of these approximately800 vehicles have been judicially confiscated for use in federal crimes.

世界贸易组织公平地解决了富有的和贫穷的国家之间的贸易政策。The trade policies of the rich and poor countries have been judicially solved by World Trade Organization.

若各方未遵守结果,那也不可以对他们实施制裁,除非判定被公平的确定下来。Failure of the parties to abide by the outcome cannot be sanctioned unless the award has been judicially confirmed.

通常,司法认知的证据是一种简单明了的事实,是一种无可争辩的问题,或者是一些常识。Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge.

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另一方面,法院确信,司法规定的混合型规则制定要求会加剧实际的费用支出。On the other hand, the Court was convinced that judicially imposed hybrid rulemaking requirements would impose real costs.

你需要善于利用这类录影带及DVD光盘以让你的宝宝得到适当的视觉娱乐。You need to use entertaining videos and DVDs judicially and to provide you child with an appropriate amount of viewing pleasure.

自然公正要求任何行使司法权力的法庭所适用的程序在任何情况下都是公正的。Nature justice requires that the procedure before any tribunal which is acting judicially shall be fair in all the circumstances.

对我国处理域名纠纷的方法和措施进行了论述,并对商标与域名的关系作出了司法界定,最后从司法解释的角度提出了一些具有创意的建议。Methods to settle a dispute of domain names in China are presented and the relationship between trade marks and domain names are judicially defined.

最高法院认为,如果那些设施中的确存有核武器,就应该准备一份“环境影响报告书”,但这一职责并不能以司法强制施行。The Court held that if nuclear weapons were indeed stored at the facilities, an EIS had to be prepared, but this duty was not judicially enforceable.

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很少有管制反对者会怀疑这些强制规定的适当性,因为那意味着伴随的健康和安全保证的产品销售。Few opponents of regulation doubt the appropriateness of such judicially enforced rules as the implied warranty of fitness and safety that accompanies the sale of products.

民事再审程序是指生效裁决在一定条件下被提起、立案审查和审理的程序,是对当事人合法权益进行司法救济的最后一道防线。The civil retrial procedure which is initiated, examined and tried in some condition is a final line of defense to remedy the legal rights and interests of a party judicially.

在实际世界中,绝大多数的行政行为并没有受到司法审查,而且其中相当一部分行为的性质决定了它们不可能受到有效的司法控制。In actual world, the most administrative acts have not been reviewed by the judicial bodies and one part of them have not been effectively judicially controlled owing to their features.

如果民事诉讼机制不能够有所创新,证券市场上的民事侵权将得不到有效地司法解决,投资者权利就得不到切实地保护。If there is no innovation in the civil action mechanism, the civil liability for infringement of right will not be effectively judicially solved and thus the investors' right can not be protected.