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你是如何读利未记的?So how do you read Leviticus ?

在利未记里这些话反复述说了有九次之多。Nine times these words are repeated in Leviticus.

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打开利未记16章,看一张旧约恕罪的图片。Open up to Leviticus 16 to see an Old Testament picture of forgiveness.

利未记结束于上帝对以色列民在应许之地言行的教导。Leviticus closes with instructions regarding conversation and conduct in the land.

阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy.

在我们读利未记第10章的前几节时,拿答和亚比户在神面前献上凡火。In our first reading in Leviticus 10, Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire before the Lord.

在过去的几周内,我们的读经一直是围绕出埃及记和利未记展开的。Our readings over the past few weeks have been taking us through the books of Exodus and Leviticus.

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因此,朱克斯申明,利未记揭示基督的工作不同于其他任何旧约全书书。Thus, as Jukes affirms, Leviticus reveals the work of Christ differently from any other Old Testament book.

在利未记中说起,所有本来为奴的,到了恩年的时候可以被释放,享受自由之身。In Leviticus it talked about, all the servants will be released to received freedom in the year of the Lord's favour.

所有这些,路加告诉我们,是为了符合圣经,符合法律,还提到了利未记。All of this,and Luke even tells us, this is to fulfill the scripture and to fulfill the law, and he's referring back to Leviticus.

米尔格罗姆认为,饮食教规和一个象征系统是相似的,那个系统强调生存是超越死亡的。I will say that Milgrom has also argued that the dietary laws of Leviticus are similarly part of a symbol system that emphasizes life over death.

有时候我们会对圣经的多样性感到不知所措,对利未记或以斯帖记是否与马太福音或罗马书怎么会有关系感到怀疑。Sometimes we are bewildered by the diversity of the Bible, wondering how Leviticus or Esther bears any relation to the Gospel of Matthew or to Romans.

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出埃及记、整本利未记、部份的民数记有细节的记载,甚至新约的希伯来书也花了几章来解释。We read about it in the books of Exodus, all of Leviticus , part of Numbers and it is even explained in the New Testament in some chapters of Hebrews.

它们似乎和利未记以及民数记的律法存在,联系但问题是,这些不同版本的律法间,究竟有什么样的联系?And they also seem to bear some relationship to the laws in Leviticus and Numbers. But the question is, what is the relationship between the different versions of the legal material?

它们似乎和利未记以及民数记的律法存在,联系但问题是,这些不同版本的律法间,究竟有什么样的联系?部分律法间,彼此一致,其它则不然。And they also seem to bear some relationship to the laws in Leviticus and Numbers. But the question is, what is the relationship between the different versions of the legal material? Some of these laws will parallel each other quite closely and others do not.