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有时候作出的决定使我困惑甚至愤怒。Sometimes the decisions baffle and enrage me.

那么当别人试图惹恼你时,你怎样?What about when people are trying to enrage you?

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为什么天气一冷身上就会气鸡皮疙瘩叻?。Why can weather enrage gooseflesh Le on cold body?

在他手底下干活的人都非常小心绝不去触怒他。Those in his employ were careful never to enrage him.

届时像“舔屏”这样的评论肯定会激怒媒体。A comment like 'lick the screen' would enrage the media.

他又提出另一问题,想以此激怒我,可我并没在意。He started another matter to enrage me, but I didn't care.

这些报道通常不会激怒或使官方尴尬。These reports don't usually enrage or embarrass the authorities.

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匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。The envoys tried to enrage Hun and made Chanyu to fight with Han.

消减赤字在原则上来说是很受拥护的,但是会触怒劳动人民。Deficit reduction is popular in principle but will enrage lobbies.

激怒或激怒某人写辱骂人身攻击。To Enrage or exasperate someone is to write an abusive personal attack.

春冻解,地气始通,土一息争。Spring frozen solution, enrage general, soil a reconciliation beginning.

我从未透过显微镜看见过一个细胞,这每每令我的老师勃然大怒。I never once saw a cell through a microscope. This used to enrage my instructor.

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那些使道学先生们勃然大怒的课题将继续成为她工作的重点。As for the subjects that so enrage puritans, they will continue to form the focus of her work.

推开房门,首先感觉到的是亮堂堂的房子让人神清气爽。Push a door, the house that what feel above all is brilliant makes person mind clear enrage bright.

这一事件的曝光将会激怒布什政府的一些高官,比如前副总统迪克.切尼。The revelation will enrage senior Bush administration figures such as the former vice-president Dick Cheney.

可能你意识到你所说的话会伤害、激怒或是惹恼别人--但是他们怎么对你?Perhaps you're aware that your words can crush, frighten, enrage or annoy people – but what do they do to you?

看起来设计师们已经对战士如何适应新的激怒机制有了想法。The devs seem to have originally planned several means for warriors to interact with the new enrage mechanics.

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女孩儿的父亲不知道该如何回答,他不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又害怕激怒这兽中之王。They did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.

他不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又害怕激怒这兽中之王。They did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage 1 the king of beasts.

Biden的话可能会激怒很多茶党分子,他称这些强硬的保守派成为“像恐怖分子一样行事”。Biden, in words that will enrage many in the Tea Party, described hardline conservatives as having "acted like terrorists".