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第4章海德先生是谁?。Chapter 4 Who is Mr Hyde?

在海德公园门口见你方便吗?Dose it suit you at the gate of Hyde Park?

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街名、广场名、公园名前。Wall Street. Tian'anmen Square, Hyde Park.

吃午餐最棒的地方是哪里?Best place for lunch is Arthurs in Hyde Park.

道格拉斯·德答应当助理编辑。Douglas Hyde consents to be assistant editor.

在海德公园里,你会看到哪些人?What kind of people do you see around Hyde Park?

海德在1660年与王储詹姆士结婚。Hyde James in 1660 with the Crown Prince married.

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那么,中国的景山公园是另一个海德公园吗?So, is Jingshan Park China’s answer to Hyde Park?

最近,我前往海德公园参观了美国第三十二任总统富兰克林·诺兰德·罗斯福的故居。Recently, I went to visit FDR’s home in Hyde Park.

他们回到海德公园并烧毁了弗兰克斯的衣服。They then returned to Hyde Park and burned Frank’s clothes.

他们家位于海德公园附近的肯伍德区。Their home is in the Kenwood neighborhood, next to Hyde Park.

海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row.

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不仅如此,她也住在海德公园,所以这听起来还不错。A. Not only that but she’s a Hyde Parker, so it sounds good to me.

当时我就担心搞不好,结果只好把她带到海德公园,好不容易才把事情干完。So I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right.

水晶宫造在海德公园内,是为1851年的世界博鉴会而兴建的。Crystal Palacewas built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.

一万两千人聚集在海德公园,他们一起跑步。Twelve thousand people met in London"s Hyde Park, and they went for a run!"

英国乘骑炮兵在伦敦海德公园鸣41炮制经。A 41 gun saluted in London's Hyde Park by the king's troop royal horse artillery.

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在网上搜索了很长时间后,我们决定在海德公园拉德诺宾馆住。After searching the internet for a long time we decided to stay at Hyde Park Radnor.

医生们为了提取眼组织细胞进行检查,甚至需要刮擦艾希莉的眼睛。Hyde even had to have her eye scraped by doctors to gather cultures of the organism.

海德公园的一头儿是澳新军纪念馆,纪念澳洲和新西兰士兵的。ANZAC War Memorial lies on the other side of Hyde Park along with its reflection pool.