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所谓杰作,是编写良好的软件典范。The masterpiece is an exemplar of well-written software.

基本原理没有因孔雀的例子而受到怀疑。Basic principles aren’t in doubt for the peacock exemplar.

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在F300是一个极好的范例在1998年一级方程式赛季。The F300 was an excellent exemplar during the 1998 Formula Season.

该层可以包含任意系列的外部获得的范例模型。This layer can contain any set of externally acquired exemplar models.

从获取范例模型的更新中传播新特性Propagating new features from an update of the acquired exemplar models

想说爱你不容易,通过发送短信的精神典范。Would like to say love you is not easy, by sending SMS exemplar of mind.

当然那就是冗余性原理的一个实际例子。That, of course, could be the real exemplar of the “principle of redundancy”.

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周一死于糖尿病的总统,从不信奉民主。The president, who died of diabetes Monday, was hardly a beloved exemplar of democratic values.

这并不会影响范例模型流程中的父子关系。This does not affect the parent -child relationship of these models in your exemplar model stream.

约翰逊有时脾气不好,但她对约翰逊始终不离不弃,成为妻子支持丈夫的楷模。He was not always an easy man, but she was devoted to him and became an exemplar of wifely support.

德国的职业教育堪称”欧洲师表”,在世界上享有盛誉。As an exemplar in Europe, German vocational education has also gained a world-wide fame for Germany.

因此,亚洲缺乏在民主制下经济内生增长取得成功的显著例子。Asia therefore lacks a strong homegrown exemplar of successful economic development under democracy.

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冲突必须在很大的深度范围内得到检查和解决,尤其是在范例模型方面。Conflicts must be examined in great depth and are generally resolved in favor of the exemplar models.

在事故再现分析中坐在你的模型车里的人有多高,他有多重?How tall is the person who sat in your exemplar car to reconstruct the accident, and how heavy was he?

龙山公园将会成为韩国这一国家的象征,并且成为21世纪可持续发展的典范。Yongsan Park is to be a national symbol of Korea and an exemplar of sustainability for the 21st century.

类别范例测验中不存在错误记忆,而线索回忆中出现了错误记得和错误知道。There existed false memory and false knowledge in cued recall, but not in category exemplar generation tests.

范例模型的每一个新的分布版本,是从前面接受的模型中直接发展而来的。Each new distributed version of the exemplar models is a direct evolution from the previously received models.

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在企业层次里,变更可以从获得的范例模型发布,并从项目模型获取。At the enterprise level, changes can be propagated from the acquired exemplar models and harvested from the project models.

它提供了一个生态性可持续发展规划和生态系统的自然区域规划的典范。It provides and exemplar for ecological performance based sustainability planning and ecosystem based natural areas planning.

现在东亚有很多机场都建在人工岛上,关西国际机场就是一个早期范例。Kansai International Airport is an early exemplar of what is now a handful of East Asian airports built on artificial islands.