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爱管闲事的纽伯格夫妇真讨厌!Confound those interfering neubergers !

我还没见过那么爱管闲事的小子。That's the interfering chap I ever see.

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飞机遇险呼救还是干扰信号?。Air distress signal or interfering signal?

方法对水蛭注射液进行干扰。Methods The interfering test on Hirudo Injection.

这团凝固的污物堵塞了过滤器。This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.

处女座可能会表现出挑剔、多疑、冷酷和爱管闲事。Virgos may be fussy, skeptical, cold, and interfering.

干扰元素能被选择性滴定剂所避免。Interfering elements can be avoided by selecting titrants.

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我们正在干扰地球生命的支持系统。We are interfering with the planet's life support systems.

什么个人习惯干扰我实现我的计划?Are any personal habits interfering with realizing my plans?

当然他参与了,因为他在六码之内。Of course he is interfering because he is in the six-yard box!

电子束通过干扰微生物DNA从而发挥作用。The electron beams work by interfering with microorganism DNA.

固定弹干扰的布娃娃物理时死亡。Fixed projectiles interfering with Ragdoll physics when killed.

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禁止未顾及学业及扶輪活动之旅游活动。Traveling interfering studying or Rotary activities is not allowed.

我发现她特别爱管闲事。她光有好意是不够的。I find her terribly interfering. It is not enough that she means well.

作为回报,罗斯福答应完全不再插手亚洲事务。In return, FDR offered to stop interfering in Asian affairs altogether.

希刺克厉夫望了我一眼,这一眼使我一下子不能干预。Heathcliff glanced at me a glance that kept me from interfering a moment.

他们总是蓄意干涉别国内政。They are always bent on interfering in other countries' internal affairs.

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但斯特伦克夫人并无意干涉这种无政府的天性。But Mrs. Strunk has no intention of interfering with the anarchy of nature.

罗斯相当爱管闲事,可是心地非常善良,而且慷慨大方。Rose is rather an interfering type, but kind-hearted and generous to a degree.

这就是资本主义,而我们的政府却总是妨碍资本主义。That is capitalism, and this Government is always interfering with capitalism.