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花生或鼓槌?Peanut or Drumstick?

混合石灰汁与地面鼓槌吊舱和叶片。Mix lime juice with ground drumstick pods and leaves.

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我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿。We'll take a fillet steak and roasted chicken drumstick.

你想要个鼓槌?像个冰激凌蛋筒和鸡翅似的!?You want a drumstick? Like a ice cream cone or a chicken wing! ?

本文主要讨论了软包装卤制鸡腿的加工工艺。The processing technology for stewed drumstick in soft pack is discussed.

一旦你做了,感恩节可能不会是你唯一一次吃腿肉的时候了。Once you do, Thanksgiving won’t be the only time you “call the drumstick.”

我喜欢吃的食品是西瓜,土豆泥,比萨饼,鸡腿和牛肉。My favorite food is watermelon, mashed potatoes, pizza, drumstick and beef.

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曾经沧海难为水,鱼香肉丝配鸡腿。Have sailed the seven seas water, fish-flavored pork with chicken drumstick.

原来铐炉是这样的!学生烧给我的鸡槌特别香!What a barbacue stove! The drumstick cooked by my students is the sweetest one!

比尔一手拿着鸡腿,一手拿着酒瓶,打着手势。Bill gestured with the drumstick in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other.

我不相信你确实有胆量吃你的低工资新奥尔良鸡腿。I can't believe you actually have courage to eat New Orleans drumstick for your low salary.

如果你对一个鸡腿说“不”,你救了一只鸡的生命。你已经得到了现金上的好处!If you say NO to a drumstick and spare a chicken's life, you really do get a reward, in cash!

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花生或鼓槌?深度撞击号航空飞船非船拍的彗星哈特利2号的核心形状让人难以确认。Peanut or Drumstick? The core of comet Hartley 2, photographed by the Deep Impact spacecraft.

因此,对用鼓槌体预测胎儿性别的可靠性提出疑问。Therefore the credibility of the drumstick method in antenatal sex determination is doubtful.

掌握鼓槌捻转与一名专业的鼓手帮助在这个自由的艺术影片。Master the art of drumstick twirling with the help of a professional drummer in this free video.

根据美国农业部食物数据库的说法,火鸡腿中只有三分之一的脂肪是饱和型的。Only a third of the fat in a turkey drumstick is the saturated kind, according to the USDA food database.

一缕鼓槌状的煤烟自火车头的烟囱升腾而起,蒙住了夜空中闪烁的星星。Coal smoke burst from the locomotive's stack in a drumstick plume that dusted the stars stippling the night sky.

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他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "delicate and easy to chew."

班兰鸡用的只有鸡腿肉,在炸之前必须先蒸,以便班兰叶的香味能够渗入鸡肉内。Pandan Chicken used only meat from drumstick , it have to steam before fry, to increase the aroma of the Pandan leaves.

吃鸡要把鸡头敬给客人中的长者,鸡腿让给年纪最小的客人。Be wanted senior in the chicken head being offered politely to the guest by chicken, drumstick give up to age is minimal guest.