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不加权的指数指简单算术平均或几何平均数。Unweighted indices are simple arithmetic or geometric averages.

在美国,一个没有加权的GPA是指所有学科成绩以4.0为满分时的平均值。In the US, an unweighted GPA is the average grade in all your classes based on a 4.0 scale.

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所谓不加权,是指对计算指数所包括的全部数值的重要性一律平等看待。Unweighted means that all the values considered in calculating the index are of equal importance.

如果以未加权的简单平均数来计算,非洲国家的经济增长率实际上与亚洲国家完全相同。The simple unweighted average of countries’ growth rates was virtually identical in Africa and Asia.

近年来不少研究者把无权网络的簇系数加以扩展,应用于加权网络。Recently, a lot of authors have extended unweighted clustering coefficients to the weighted networks.

缺省情况下,计算是线性的和非加权的,不过也提供二次的和加权的的变体。By default, the calculation is linear and unweighted , but quadratic and weighted variants are also provided.

以往的研究工作主要是围绕无权网络展开,有关加权网络的研究工作较少。Previous research work is mainly about unweighted network, and there are few research work on weighted network.

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这个问题是寻找无权图的最大团问题的推广。This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph.

作一比较,在图5我们展示了结果的展开获得了使用加权最小二乘算法。For a comparison, in Figure 5 we show the results of the unwrapping obtained using an unweighted least squares algorithm.

对目标排口作多次飘流然后添加小铅粒以便饰带毛勾开始轻刮泳层底部。Make several passes through the lie with an unweighted streamer then add enough shot so that the fly starts scraping bottom.

实验表明,该算法聚类准确率要明显高于未加权的模糊C均值聚类算法。Experiment results showed that the accuracy of this clustering algorithm was significantly higher than unweighted fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm.

本文研究了赋权图中的最长路和最长圈,将关于非赋权图中最长路和最长圈的一些结果推广到赋权图上。This paper deals with paths and cycles in weighted graphs. Two theorems on longest paths and cycles in unweighted graphs are generalized to weighted graphs.

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就在此时,阿玛西亚又站了起来,轻轻一跳,跳到地上,那四脚熟练,动作优雅、谨慎、轻飘,美如波浪。Then it was that Amathea lifted herself once more, and with delicate, discreet, unweighted movement of perfect limbs leapt lightly to the floor as lovely as a wave.

分配数学权重的过程。旨在修正未加权样本对某些人群代表过度或代表不足的偏差。The process of assigning mathematical weights in an attempt to correct over or underrepresentation of some groups in the unweighted in-tab sample. See sample weighting.