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具有细小、规则呈网状的格。Latteced with a fine, regular, reticulate pattern.

种子表面纹饰为网状或乳突状。The surface ornament of seed is reticulate or mammilate.

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这些都是为了形成企业站点内的网状结构。These are to form the reticulate structure inside company site.

表面裂纹又分为横向裂纹、竖向裂纹和网状裂纹。Surface crack includes horizontal, vertical and reticulate crack.

塑料。液体压力管用网状线聚乙烯管。规范。Plastics. Reticulate polyethylene pipes for pipelines under pressure. Specifications.

细脉的网状式样是双子叶植物的主要特征。The reticulate pattern of minor veins is characteristic of most dicotyledonous plants.

研究了聚丙烯纤维网混凝土的动力学性能。This paper is special in dynamics performance of reticulate polypropylene fiber concrete.

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这张照片显示,只有在胸甲,其独特的网状面装饰品。This photo shows only the carapace, with their distinctive reticulate surface ornamentation.

酸奶凝胶超微结构呈一种纤维网状立体结构,网状纤维中间形成无数有规则的空隙。The microstructure of yogurt is a kind of reticulate cubic structure with numberless regular interspace.

大核纵向分布。低倍镜下表膜光滑,高倍镜下可见具有明显的网格状条纹。Pellicle appears smooth at low magnifications, reticulate striations can be observed at high magnifications.

通常层裂和竖向裂纹是机压所致,横向裂纹和网状裂纹是烧成造成的。Usually, layer and vertical crack are caused by moulding, and horizontal and reticulate crack are caused by sintering.

我们强调在神经性厌食症中,广泭性网状紫斑是一种稀少、特殊且独特的皮肤表现。We emphasize that the diffuse reticulate purpura is a rare, unique and characteristic cutaneous manifestation of anorexia nervosa.

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后期纤维化表现为在照射区出现不规则索条状阴影及网织状阴影,纵隔结构牵拉移位等表现。The later stage shows fibrosis in the irradiated area for the irregular strip and reticulate structure shadow and the mediastinum displacement etc.

采用大型动力系统理论分析了上下游双调压室系统水位波动稳定问题,并推求出有关计算公式。The paper presents design of reticulate drainage system for tailrace surge chamber and use of high strength pervious hose at Ertan hydropower station.

结果表明,在污水处理中,网状聚氨酯泡沫塑料附着的菌量多,是较好的新型微生物固定化载体。The results showed that the reticulate PU foam had good property of biomass formation, and it was the preferable material for treating polluted water.

叶绿体系统树与核基因系统树之间的冲突,可能是由杂交、渐渗、谱系分选造成的网状进化引起的。The reticulate evolution caused by hybridization, introgression and lineage sorting may be an explanation for the molecular phylogenetic incongruence.

细脉和其它的细脉联合形成一个连续的网络。细脉的网状式样是双子叶植物的主要特征。The minor veins join with other minor veins, forming a conspicuous network. The reticulate pattern of minor veins is characteristic of most dicotyledonous plants.

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魔芋精粉在溶液中形成网状结构,蛋白质分子和杂质被吸附在网膜上,从而使蜂蜜酒得到澄清。It is obvious effect because refined giantarum starch forms reticulate structure, protein and impurity will be absorbed on the net, the Honey wine will be clarified.

本文通过对该复合体的生物系统学研究,揭示它们在网状进化中亲缘关系的来龙去脉,并对它们的分类学位置提出讨论和处理建议。We hope by means of a biosystematic study to find out their genetic relationships in the reticulate evolution, and to raise a suggestion on their taxonomic treatment.

对珩磨精密加工工艺进行了实验研究,分析了粗珩加工中网纹角、工作压力、珩磨速度与材料去除率的关系。Honing experiments are executed and the relationships between reticulate cross-angle, honing pressure, honing rates and material removal rate are analyzed in rough honing.