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这台液晶高清电视机是海尔生产的。This LCD HDTV is made by Haier.

当然少不了的还有2.5英寸液晶显示屏。There is a 2.5-inch LCD display.

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液晶屏上有亮线。There are bright-line LCD screen.

但液晶显示器的发展并没有就此停步。But the LCD has not stopped there.

我笔记本电脑的液晶显示屏坏了。My laptop’s LCD screen was broken.

什么是液晶屏的坏点?What is the LCD screen of the Dead?

点阵式LCD段驱动器40点。Dot matrix LCD 40 dot segment driver.

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它有4位照明液晶显示器。It has 4-digit, lighted, LCD display.

开机有显示,液晶屏屏暗。Start showing, LCD screen dark screen.

是的。请看。它有8英寸的液晶宽屏屏幕。Yes. It has a 8' LCD widescreen monitor.

我们刚刚买了台新电视,是液晶屏的。We just bought a new TV with a LCD screen.

7英寸高清晰超大液晶显示屏。Large 5.7-inch high-definition LCD display.

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2006年,海尔又开始在美国销售液晶电视。But in 2006, it began selling LCD televisions.

高清晰超大液晶显示屏。Large size and super-high-definition LCD screen.

液晶显示屏幕上有一个蹩脚的,薄的塑料盖。The LCD screen has a crappy, thin plastic cover.

这样能够提高液晶显示器的寿命。This will increase the life of your LCD monitor.

一个戏剧性的例子是射击液晶屏幕。A dramatic example would be shooting LCD screens.

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相比之下,索尼的液晶电视可持续工作两倍之久。By contrast, a Sony LCD TV lasts twice that long.

大屏幕LCD显示界面以及多功能键盘设置。Use large-screen LCD and multi-function keyboard.

电脑因为LCD不能立住而变得无用。It became useless as the LCD couldn't hold upright.