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你不能把这套公寓转租给他人。You can't sublet the apartment.

你可以选择分租或自住。You can sublet or live by your own.

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我可以将公寓分租出去吗?。Am I allowed to sublet the apartment?

当我不在的一段时间内,我可以转租吗?Can I sublet my apartment when I'm away?

夏天我把一套公寓转租给一个朋友。I have sublet a flat to my friend for the summer.

该项目是关于在纽约公寓转租。The project is about an apartment to sublet in nyc.

合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

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合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There eis a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

根据租占规定,你无权转剽物业。Under the terms of the lease you had right to sublet the property.

该公司租下了这栋大楼,占用了一部分并转租了其余的部分。The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.

我们把房子非法出租给一个可爱的印度DJ和他十四岁的“外甥”。We’d take the gig and sublet our place to a nice Indian techno DJ and his 14 year-old “nephew.”

几年苦难日子过去以后,达夫老师已经转租了她房子,过起了隐居的古老生活。After her difficult year, Ms. Duffy had sublet her apartment and struck out for the ancient world.

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今年六月,他们从租来的位于东村的小小工作室搬到了布鲁克林。And then in June, they moved again from a tiny East Village studio sublet to a larger space in Brooklyn.

枕头、小地毯、水彩画能有效驱散一个不知名的公寓或是汽车旅馆房间的冰谰栊。Pillows small rugs watercolors can dispel much of the chilling anonymity of a sublet apartment or motel room.

枕头、小地毯、水彩画能有效驱散一个不知名的公寓或是汽车旅馆房间的冰冷感。Pillows, small rugs, watercolors can dispel much of the chilling anonymity of a sublet apartment or motel room.

我国目前对集体林区的小班划分、小班调查还没有明确的规程,亟待研讨。There are no explicit regulations about sublet division and sublot survey in collective forest region of China.

客户不得向任何其他方转让其权利,亦不得向任何其他方分租或共用单元的部分或全部。The Client may not assign any of its rights to, nor sublet or share part or the entire Unit, with any other party.

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我们有很好的办公设备和环境,还可以按照不同的人群需要去分租场地。We have the very good office equipment and environment , can go to sublet space according to that different crowd needs.

我将离开丈夫和我们在波士顿区的三居室,去时代广场租一间带家居的公寓独自居住。I’m leaving my husband and our three-bedroom Boston-area house to sublet a furnished room in a Times Square apartment by myself.

在未经主办机构同意下,参展商不能将摊位转让,给予或分租予其他商户。The exhibitors must not transfer, assign or sublet their booths to any third party without prior written consent of the Organizer.