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风格化的完美电子邮件。Stylize the perfect email.

现在我们知道这一点,让我们的风格化的照片。Now that we know this, let's stylize our photo.

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这是理想的破灭,以加强和风格化的腹部。It's ideal to augment the bust and stylize the abdomen.

牛仔裤恭维,因为他们风格化的下身。The jeans are flattering because they stylize the lower part of the body.

就像嵌入式字体一样,你可以修改其风格、对其增加平滑效果。Just like embedded fonts, you can stylize them, antialias and apply effects.

潇洒你的生活,比如,时不时的品尝新的食物,尝试新的事物,参加新颖的活动等等。Stylize your healthy life by routinely experimenting with new foods, spices, activities, and more.

明显的修剪、雕琢、修饰被毛,将受到严厉的处罚,与缺陷一样。Any evidence of stripping or scissoring of coat to shape or stylize should be strongly penalized as a fault.

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而图像编辑器将消耗并生成像素,对每个像素或每组像素应用规则从而锐化图像或形成某种风格。And an image editor consumes and emits pixels, applying rules to each pixel or groups of pixels to, say, sharpen or stylize an image.

艺术家从现实中找出一个形象或者一种绘画语言,把它定型、风格化,成为一个个人符号、标识。An artist will find out an image or a language of painting from the reality and shape it, stylize it, to make it a personal symbol or mark.

在问答部分,影迷们问吉拉德,当他开始为诸如奥比万、尤达和阿纳金这样的角色设计光剑招式风格时,是否从原三部曲里寻找灵感。During the Q&A, fans asked Gillard if he drew inspiration from the original trilogy when he began to stylize lightsaber styles of characters such as Obi -Wan, Yoda, and Anakin.