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特别是在怀孕终期。Especially during the final trimester.

在怀孕的前三个月要去看眼科医生。See your eye doctor within the first trimester of pregnancy.

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第一期从受孕起到第十三周的最后一天。The first trimester is from conception to the end of week 13.

会员可以选择每一个学期学习一门或两门课程。Members can choose to study either one or two subjects per trimester.

我喜欢睡觉,我爱我的床,但在后期的时候他们都遗弃了我。I love sleep and I love my bed but both deserted me in the third trimester.

有些妇女在怀孕的头三个月里,早上有恶心感。Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.

相对来说,在妊娠初期的体重增加是幅度最小的,增加重量在3到5磅左右,有些孕妇甚至会忽略这个体重的变化。Your weight gain during the first trimester will probably be barely noticeable.

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他的眼睑仍然是融合密封的,直到怀孕中期的末尾才会打开。His eyelids are fused shut and won’t open until the end of the second trimester.

当你进入怀孕后期时,你可能已经增重了15--20磅。As you enter the third trimester you’ve probably gained at least 15 to 20 pounds.

没有研究表明在妊娠早期使用恩丹西酮有致畸风险。No data have been published on first trimester teratogenic risk with ondansetron.

贫血并不影响妊娠中期母血唐症筛检。Anemia does not interfere second trimester maternal serum screening result for Down syndrome.

这种严重的腿部肌肉抽筋现象通常出现在怀孕中期,并持续整个怀孕后期。These severe leg cramps usually pop up in the second trimester and continue through the third.

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怀孕中期马上就要结束了,你的身体正在做产前的最后准备。The second trimester is coming to an end and your body is gearing up for the prenatal homestretch.

当人们说怀孕的女性容光焕发,他们极可能谈论的就是那些处在怀孕中期的人。When people say pregnant women glow they’re probably talking about those in their second trimester.

当你怀孕的时候,身体每天额外需要300--500卡路里的热量,在怀孕前期可能更少。Your body needs 300-500 extra calories a day when you’re pregnant even less in the first trimester.

当你怀孕的时候,身体每天额外需要300--500卡路里的热量,在怀孕前期可能更少。Your body needs 300-500 extra calories a day when you’re pregnant, even less in the first trimester.

纵然那时候我们抵达了第7阶段,我很疑惑8月,9月和10月是指夏令的三月期。Even if we'll reach 7 then, it is very doubtful for me that 8, 9, 10 will refer to the suer trimester.

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“我们回过头可以知道,‘首先是什么出了问题,然后是什么原因…’”利普金博士说到。“We can go back and say, ‘What was going on in the first, second, third trimester?’ ” Dr. Lipkin said.

这使得测量颈部透明作为一种潜在的有用的第一孕期筛检工具。This leaves the measurement of nuchal transparency as a potentially useful 1st trimester screening tool.

另外,在这方面你也做不了什么——在怀孕后期节食是很荒唐的事情。Besides there’s not much you can do---it would be ludicrous to diet in your third trimester of pregnancy.