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妈妈我不再害怕当你和我在一起。Mamma non ho più paura quando sei con me.

从图片的时间增加了对收购SEI的时间码支持。Added support for timecode acquisition from Picture timing SEI.

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保持开放的头脑,适应新的趋势,把相关建议提给SEI。Keep an open mind, evaluate new trends, and propose changes as relevant to the SEI.

因此,超指数迭代算法的性能优于归一化常数模算法和传统的常数模算法。Therefore the performance of the SEI algorithm is prior to that of the NCMA and CMA.

在拜伦岛,一条大须鲸的头盖骨依赖于一条潮溪――直到下一次暴风雨。On Byron Island, the skull of a sei whale rests in a tidal creek—until the next storm.

其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。Other baleen whales are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whales and the rorqual.

设计CMMI是为了代替以上三种模型,并且SEI已为SW-CMM发布了日落计划。The CMMI is designed to replace these three models, and the SEI has released a sunset plan for the SW-CMM.

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本技术条件作为石太线SEI系统设计、验收及运用的依据。The technical conditions are served as the basis for the design, acceptance and application of SEI system for Shi-Tai line.

使用一个存根类来测试Web服务可能是非常繁琐的,因为存根类必须在每次对SEI修改后重建。Using a stub class to test the web service could be very tedious because a stub class needs to be regenerated every time the SEI changes.

一个存根类定义一个SEI定义的所有方法,因此,一个客户机可以通过存根类直接调用Web服务方法。A stub class defines all the methods that an SEI defines, therefore, a client can invoke methods of a web service directly via the stub class.

本文通过二次电子成像研究表面这一晶体相为体心立方相,体心立方相在低于700K的退火温度下是稳定的。We used SEI to probe the surface and found this phase belong to body-center cubic phase, body-center cubic phase is stable below 700K annealing temperature.

通过对我国秦沈客运专线引进的欧洲高速铁路SEI系统联锁逻辑实现方式的研究探索,并配以联锁流程图予以说明,介绍SEI系统特有的联锁逻辑方式。This is an introduction to the unique logic plan of SEI Interlocking System brought in Qin-Shen Passenger Dedicated Line from Europe, coming with an interlocking flow chart.

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有些传言说她以某种方式把塞·塔里亚排挤出公共机构,为她自己升任最高议长助手铺平道路,但没有任何事得到证实。Some gossiped that she somehow eliminated Sei Taria's from public office, paving her ascent to the Supreme Chancellor's side, though nothing conclusive has ever come to light.

提出这样一个捕杀数量是为了确定一些种类鲸鱼的种群结构以及摄食习惯,这些鲸鱼种类包括濒危的长须翅和大须鲸,这可以有助于“管理”鲸鱼资源。The stated objectives are to determine the population structure and feeding habits of several whale species, including endangered fin and sei whales, in order to "manage" stocks.

针对中国上市公司的权益再融资行为进行事后效果评价,从实证的角度探寻在市场有限理性条件下,中国上市公司再融资决策的动因和机理。This paper emphasizes on the aftereffects of china corporations' season equity issues, and surveys the reasons and the mechanism of China corporations' SEI in an irrational market.

从我们较高的观点来看,恐惧并非爱的反面,事实上,它在二元性的目的就是“做一切阻碍的事”,爱不意味著可以将恐惧抵销,除此之外,综括来说,同时并行会让人们找到更和谐的结果。Fear, from our higher perspective, is not the opposite of love, in fact it has its purposed role in duality just as all 'obstacles' do. Nor is LOVE meant to cancel out fear per sei.

本文通过虚反射机理分析,提出了充分利用虚反射能量设计最佳激发井深、增强下传地震波能量的采集方法。Analyzing ghost mechanism, the paper presented the acquisition method fully using ghost energy to design the optimum shooting depth and strengthen the energy of down-propagating sei.

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从脉冲包络上升沿方面进行分析研讨,提出一种利用上升沿进行基于多脉冲乃至单脉冲的雷达个体识别方法。This paper performs the analysis and discussion from the aspect of the pulse envelop rising-edge, presents a kind of radar SEI method based on multi-pulse even single pulse by using rising edge.

日本一位政府官员说,日本计划把在西北太平洋海域捕鲸的数量增加一倍,并将大须鲸也列为捕捉对象,他还驳斥了国际社会对该国捕鲸计划的批评。Japan plans to double its whale catch in the northwest Pacific Ocean and add sei whales to the list, a government official said, rebuffing international criticism of the country's whaling program.