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米饭尝起来有焦味。The rice tastes burnt.

她的头发烧掉了。Her hair was burnt off.

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这一来她连个退路都没有了。She had burnt her boats.

蜡烛已烧完。The candle had burnt away.

灯丝烧掉了。The filament has burnt out.

辣椒辣得他舌头发烧。The pepper burnt his tongue.

遭火炙的小孩怕火…A burnt child deads the fire.

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能燃烧你眼中的火光熊熊?Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

烧伤的男孩怕火。A burnt boy is afraid of fire.

烧伤的孩子最怕火。A burnt child dreads the fire.

你闻得到有烧焦味吗?。Can you smell that burnt smell?

蜡烛已烧去一半。Half the candle had burnt away.

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点完了半支蜡烛。Half the candle has burnt away.

挨过烫的孩子怕火。The burnt child reads the fire.

他所有的财产都被烧光了。All of his wealth was burnt out.

那件事令她确实恼怒。She was really burnt about that.

挨过烫的孩子最怕火。The burnt child dreads the fire.

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烧穿的线圈应换新的。The burnt coil should be renewed.

玩火者必自焚。Whoever plays with fire gets burnt.

一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳The fire sensitized the burnt child.