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酒已经把他的衬衫弄脏了。The wine had contaminated his shirt.

不要沾染官僚主义作风。Don't be contaminated by bureaucratism.

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锡槽内已被二氧化硫气体污染。And the tin bath was contaminated by SO2.

您有没有吃过不洁食物?Have you ever taken any contaminated food?

抗万古霉素肠球菌的大衣没有被污染。None of the coats was contaminated with VRE.

那就是美国制造的干式墙也可能受到了污染。American-made drywall may be contaminated too.

因为他们的文字都被铜臭所污染了。The letter because they were contaminated by Nixon.

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受污染粘土的行踪一直查到了一个膨润土矿。The contaminated clay was traced to a bentonite mine.

一旦衣物受到污染,请立即脱去。S27 S28 Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.

这条河流被从工厂流出的废物所污染。The river was contaminated with waste from the factory.

扔掉所有可能会变质或受污染的食物。Throw out all food that may be spoiled or contaminated.

受污染的水或者冰也是一个感染源。Contaminated water or ice is also a source of infection.

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如果药品被污染那么可能会伤害你,甚至要你的命。If a drug is contaminated it could hurt you, even kill you.

食盐样本是如何受到污染的,其原因依然不明。It is still unknown how the salt samples were contaminated.

其中关键是快速的从污染区离开。Quick removal from the contaminated area is most important.

丙肝病毒是通过被污染的血液传播的。The hepatitis C virus is spread through contaminated blood.

因此,不适宜在重污染土壤上种植黑麦草。So, the ryegrass could not remediate heavy contaminated soil.

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例如把整瓶不洁的矿泉水喝光。Like drinking up a whole bottle of contaminated mineral water.

长期吸入被污染空气的影响还无从知晓。The long-term effects of inhaling contaminated air is unknown.

脱下已污染衣服,用流动水冲洗。Wash in flowing water or shower. Remove contaminated clothing.