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这是一小段锡塔尔琴音乐So that's a bit of sitar music.

毕竟他是位可敬的锡塔尔琴演奏家So--but he is the venerable sitar player.

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印度西塔琴音乐效果最好,其次是古典音乐。Indian sitar music works best, followed by classical music.

在圣歌和流行歌曲中你将只听得到钢琴或锡它琴。In the spiritual and the pop song you will hear only the piano or the sitar.

谭维维,你是一个了不起的歌唱家,深爱着你并热爱中国民通歌!Sitar Tan , you are a marvelous singer , fall in love with you and love the Chinese folk music !

一路上,西他诺猜看见掉在地上的干狗屎,急忙捡起来装进包里。All the way, sitar Nuo guesses the dry dog excrement that sees go up, hastily pick up will hold a bag in.

琼斯是锡塔琴传奇人物拉维·尚卡尔的女儿,她自己是一位钢琴家,她从尼娜·西蒙娜和比里·霍利迪等歌手那里获取灵感。Jones, the daughter of sitar legend Ravi Shankar, is a pianist who takes inspiration from singers like Nina Simone and Billie Holiday.

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现在,我们要听一段,传统的印度古典音乐,我原以为我们能请来一位锡塔尔琴手Now, we're going to listen to a piece of music here from the tradition of classical India and I thought we might have a sitar player in here.

现在,让我们听一个传统的印度古典音乐的片段,我原以为我们这里可能会有西塔琴演奏者。Now, we're going to listen to a piece of music here from the tradition of classical India and I thought we might have a sitar player in here.

再往里走,两支小提琴,一个锡塔尔琴,以及一堆乐器藏品,都与你擦身而过,最后你的视线会落在咖啡桌上的三颗牙齿上。Then you trip over two violins, a sitar and a collection of other musical instruments, and find yourself staring at three teeth on a coffee-table.

这种竖琴用木制的锤子演奏,加上锡塔尔琴和印度长琴,与其他任何专辑相比,这张专辑有更加奇妙的多样性。This harp, played with wooden hammers , and combined with the sitar and Indian flute illustrates the amazing diversity of the harp, compared with any of the other albums.

有个人,我确实听说过我们会有这机会,请来一位印度古典音乐家,这个人学过锡塔尔琴,而且可能会在课上,给我们弹一曲Somebody-- i got wind of the fact we might have a classical Indian musician in our class, somebody that had studied the sitar and might be able to come in and play one for us.

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时光流逝,他渐渐淡忘了井边的那段经历,直到有一天晚上,他沐浴着月光漫步在路上,被耳畔传来的一阵锡塔琴的演奏声吸引住了。As years went by, the memory of his experience at the well gradually faded until one night, while he was walking in the moonlight, the sound of sitar music caught his attention.