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为更好或更糟的是,那些日子已经过去了。Cabana . For better or worse, those days are gone.

“那个时候那就是我们的未来与骄傲”卡巴纳回忆道。"That was our future and our pride at that time, " Cabana recalls.

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我幻想着来到了海滩,一个男孩走出海滨小屋,给我递上饮料。I was fantasizing about being on a beach with a cabana boy serving me drinks.

很多抽烟的家长不惜花大价钱购买被卡巴娜称为“值得怀疑的器具”的空气过滤器。Many smoking parents purchased expensive air filters that have what Cabana called "questionable utility.

我们时而在小屋,时而在海边,有时还扑通一声摔倒在海滩上,一直到我们觉得很热了才停止。We alternated between the cabana and the water, sometimes plopping on the beach a bit until we got too hot.

瘦长结实而又紧张,当被要求解释航天飞机的价值时卡巴纳似乎有点意外,也可能感到被侮辱了。Wiry and intense, Cabana seems surprised, and maybe insulted, when asked to explain the Space Shuttle's value.

他曾为宫殿,广播城市,杂耍戏院,伦敦女神像,酷吧小屋和其他卓越的夜总会及场所表演。He played the palace radio city music hall london palladium copa cabana and other prominent nightclubs and reviews.

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酒店位于泰国首都曼谷市的中心位置,拥有303间豪华客房和套房,是凯宾斯基在全球的第64处地标酒店。The 303 luxury room, cabana and suite property in the absolute centre of the Thai capital is Kempinski's 64th iconic property worldwide.

位于德州高地公园,达拉斯的一个富裕的乡镇全市范围内,这是一个游泳池和小屋除了现有的房子。Located in Highland park, Texas, an affluent township within the city of Dallas, this was a pool and cabana addition to an existing house.

这座建在悬崖边上的泳池看起来就像是一座空中泳池,泳池尽头有一个摇摇欲坠的笼子,其实这是一个休闲平台,从这里望出去,视野无极限。This spectacular cliff-top pool appears to float in space. The scary-looking cage at the end is actually a cabana designed for gazing out over the horizon.

澳门康莱德酒店将呈献情人节限定美馔体验,包括在池畔小屋内一边俯瞰著澳门康莱德酒店的游泳池一边享受甜蜜的烛光晚餐,或于大堂酒廊随心所欲地尽情享受下午茶。Couples can choose to enjoy an intimate candle light dinner in a cabana overlooking the Conrad Macao pool, or indulging in a decadent afternoon tea set at The Lounge.

我建议你来圣弗郎西斯科读大学,我会非常高兴地带你参观这座城市,作你的良师益友。May I suggest moving to San Francisco to attend university?I'll gladly take you under my wing, show you the city, mentor you and maybe make you my personal cabana boy.

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当第一夫人和她的女儿们达到狂欢度假村的小屋地带-神秘的服务人员守在左右两边-一条白色帘子被拉下来保护她们的隐衷。When the First Lady and her daughters arrived at the Revel Resorts cabana area – flanked by secret service officers – a white curtain was drawn to give them some privacy.

与海滩仅一个街区远的客人可以放松的在大西洋畅游,酒店拥有私人海滩俱乐部,提供了一个游泳池,水上活动,小屋出租等。With the beach just a block away guests can relax right on the Atlantic Ocean and have access to the private Beach Club that offers a pool, watersport activities, cabana rentals and more.

6月13日,坎大哈南部农村Dand地区,加拿大第2战斗工兵团的亚历克斯·卡巴纳中士与美国陆军一起徒步巡逻。Sgt. Alex Cabana of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment of the Canadian Army walks during a foot patrol with U.S. Army forces June 13, 2010 in rural Dand District, just south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.