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我们吃白面。We all have flour.

面粉过筛了吗?Has the flour sifted?

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小麦或混合麦的细粉。Wheat or maslin flour.

面粉和盐混合入盆。Sieve the flour and salt.

把糖和面粉和在一起。Blend the sugar and flour.

我们买了两袋面粉。We bought two sacks o flour.

他在商店里偷窃了一袋面粉。He shoplifted a bag of flour.

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谷物和面粉都是种类物。Grain and flour are fungibles.

碾磨机把谷物磨成细粉。A mill grinds grain into flour.

我们可以把面粉和水混起来!We can mix the flour and water!

将面粉和水打匀。Whisk together flour and water.

美白用薏仁粉就可以啊。White with barley flour can ah.

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我们需要个筛粉机。We're gonna need a flour sifter.

小麦面粉需要贮存3~4星期。Wheat flour requires 3- 4 weeks.

波普尔有使玉米入面粉。Pople there make maize into flour.

低筋面粉过筛备用。Sift the cake flour and set aside.

谷物在磨粉机里磨成粉。Com is ground into flour in a mill.

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首先,筛分面粉和盐。First, sift the flour and the salt.

什么东西到他的磨子里都能碾成粉。All is flour that comes to his mill.

她在面里拌进了一些糖。She stirred some sugar in the flour.