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玩具陀螺。Toy gyro.

这是我的陀螺。This is my toy gyro.

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看到见玩具陀螺吗?Can you see my toy gyro? Yeah?

我先向你们展示我的陀螺。Let me show you the toy gyro first.

经常核对陀螺罗经和磁罗经航向。Check Gyro and Magnetic courses frequently.

检查陀螺仪,进近时勿再拨置。Check gyro and do not reset remainder of approach.

把陀螺球绕垂直轴连续地转动。Rotate the gyro ball continually along vertical axis.

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陀螺球倾斜,并且有伤痕,要求换陀螺球。The gyro ball has tilted. It has scars. Request to replace.

最后,评述了光纤陀螺的发展趋势。The developing tendency of fiberoptic gyro is reviewed at last.

陀螺球太低,下沉实验高度小于6毫米。The gyro ball is too low. The height of sinking test is below 6mm.

这个陀螺玩具和刚刚的实验,是一样的。And this toy gyro is doing exactly the same thing that this is doing.

分析了动力学环境下液浮积分陀螺仪的工作原理和误差情况。The power supply of semi-liquid floated rate gyro is investigated on.

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主罗经和分罗经航向示度不匹配。The course indication of repeaters does not match that of gyro compass.

摆式加速度计的设计与陀螺设计有很多共同之处。The pendulous accelerometer design had much in common with the gyro design.

谐振陀螺是一种不存在高速转子和活动支承的新型陀螺仪。The resonator gyro is a new type of gyro without spinning-wheel and bearing.

保持陀螺质量中心位移为最小的重要性是非常明显的。The importance of keeping gyro center-of-mass shifts to a minimum is apparent.

我只是简略天毗连疑号输出的陀螺到疑号输进的己事编造小组委员会。I just simply connect the signal output of the gyro to the signal input of the Esc.

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他在后轮的车架上安装了一个附加轮以抵消陀螺效应。An extra wheel mounted to its frame spun backwards and canceled out the gyro effect.

从基准点把转移回转仪迁往直升机上的支架,避免震动。Remove transfer gyro from datum marker to its support in helicopter, avoiding shocks.

并且加入了加速器和陀螺达到运动控制效果。The device also contains an accelerometer and a gyro sensor for full motion controls.