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这个设备后来著名的莱顿瓶。This device became known as the Leyden jar.

一位教授在莱顿已经明显加尔文的上帝“一个暴君和刽子手”。A professor at Leyden had already pronounced Calvin's God "a tyrant and an executioner".

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最繁荣的独立教会是莱登的领导下,约翰鲁宾逊。The most flourishing Independent Church was that of Leyden under the direction of John Robinson.

莱顿瓶或电器发出来的电竟使死蛙的腿动起来。That electricity from a Leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move.

她说她每一天都担心自己成为下一个犯罪统计数字,她说,“我一直在等待着它在将来某一天发生。”Every day she says she fears becoming a crime statistic. "I'm waiting for it to happen someday, " Leyden says.

咱们离开亚特兰大之前,我就在跟他们讨价还价,准备买下桃树街那一大片空地,就是莱顿家旁边那块空地,你一定知道我说的地方。Before we left Atlanta I was dickering for that big lot on Peachtree, the one near the Leyden house. You know the one I mean?

我们从海牙乘坐蒸汽火车,沿途一派赏心悦目的乡野风光,还有英国式的小屋和花园,来到莱顿。We travelled to Leyden from The Hague by the steam-tram, through cheerful domestic surroundings, past little Englishy cottages and gardens.

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等到她看见莱顿家的房子,因为她的胸衣箍得太紧了,就已经开始气喘,不过她并没有放慢脚步。By the time she caught sight of the Leyden house, she was beginning to pant, for her stays were tightly laced, but she did not slow her gait.

儿子的一条铁路官员,他就读于比萨大学,从1918年至1922年,后来在大学莱登和德国哥丁根。The son of a railroad official, he studied at the University of Pisa from 1918 to 1922 and later at the universities of Leyden and Gottingen.

这个收藏的主要部分被收藏家于1828年卖给荷兰政府,而存放在荷兰都市大学。The main part of this collection was sold in 1828 by the collector to the Netherlands government and was deposited in the University of Leyden.

威廉约翰科尔夫于1911年2月14日出生于荷兰莱顿,1938年获莱顿大学医学博士学位,1946年获格罗宁根大学哲学博士学位。Willem Johan Kolff was born in Leyden, the Netherlands, on Feb. 14, 1911. He received his M. D. at Leyden University in 1938 and a Ph. D. at the University of Groningen in 1946.