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检查你的形态。Check your form.

蒴果卵形。Capsule egg form.

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什么是城市形态?What is Urban Form?

填写表格N-400。Fill out Form N-400.

该表未注明日期。That form is undated.

冰坝为什么会形成?Why do ice dams form?

你只是改变形式。You simply change form.

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它是一种施刑工具。It is a form of torture.

这将出现一个新表单。A new form should appear.

形式是相对什么而言的?Form" as opposed to what?

请填好这张汇款单。Please fill out the form.

填写送洗表格。Fill out the laundry form.

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制定生产任务单。Make productive task form.

情态动词只有一种形式。Modals have only one form.

请填写这份表格。Please fill out this form.

盘扣。剪纸的形式为主。The form of paper cutting.

你在什麽场合用复数形?The plural number or form.

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装饰着你不可思议的形相。To deck Thy wondrous form.

最终结果会是什么?What's the resulting form?

原本的氛围已无迹可寻。All form of aura is absent.