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这是我的老本行。It's my line.

但是她的下颌线呢?But her jaw line?

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那条线后来被炸掉了。That line bombed.

我能画条线。I can make a line.

到达了终点线。At the finish line.

有一个满行?We got a full line?

绿线么?It's the green line.

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把玻璃杯排起来。Line up the glasses.

那是我最拿手的。That's my best line.

公交车路线容量?。Capacity of Bus Line?

街道两旁榆树成行。Elms line the steets.

请不要挂线。Please hold the line.

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请站好队。Please stand in line.

后来,党的路线发生了变化。Then the line changed.

你们可以划清界线。You can't draw a line.

你已经越线了。You've crossed a line.

为每个操作创建一行说明。Create a line for each.

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用格尺画条线。Draw a line with ruler.

我讨厌长舌的人。I hate waiting in line.

这条电缆线长14公里。The line is 14 km long.