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“本·葛恩!”西尔弗叫道。Ben Gunn ! ' shouted Silver.

“本·葛恩算条汉子吧?”他问。Is this Ben Gunn a man?' he asked.

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确信你的耿氏二极管没有同时在音频或高频振荡。Be sure your Gunn diode doesn't oscillate at audio or HF as well.

“本·葛恩,”他说,声音沙哑而怪异。Ben Gunn , ' he answered , and his voice sounded rough and strange.

在最后的几秒钟,甘恩队的守门员凯文·坎特维尔扑出了两次射门。In the final seconds, Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots.

大夫讲完以后,我给他们讲了我的历险,以及遇见本·葛恩的事。After the doctor had finished , I told them my story , and about Ben Gunn.

“你们很危险,吉姆,”他说。“不过,本·葛恩会帮你们的。You're in trouble , Jim , ' he said when I'd finished. 'Well , Ben Gunn will help you.

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本·葛恩一看到国旗就停下了脚步,还拉着我的胳膊叫我也停下来,并且还坐了下来。AS soon as Benn Gunn saw the colours he came to a halt stopped me by the arm, and sat down.

这种比利巴德版包括一个序言,传记,并注意到由詹姆斯甘恩后记。This edition of Billy Budd includes a Foreword, Biographical Note, and Afterword by James Gunn.

过了一会儿,李甫西大夫、格雷、本·葛恩从树林里出来和我们会合,他们的枪口还冒着烟。A moment later, Dr Livesey, Gray, and Ben Gunn joined us with smoking guns, from among the trees.

说到这儿,他闭上一只眼睛,冲我笑。“你去告诉乡绅,本·葛恩是个好人。”Here he closed one eye and smiled at me. 'Now go to your squire and tell him Ben Gunn is a good man.

本文对W频段混合集成VCO进行了研究,在国内首先提出W频段微带集成耿氏管压控振荡器的设计方案,并进行了电路仿真设计、制作与测试。In this thesis, research on a W-band hybrid integrated VCO is presented, and the first domestic design for a W-band microstrip integrated Gunn VCO is proposed.

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对比了半绝缘多能谷光电导开关中光激发单极畴和耿氏器件中偶极畴的物理机制。The photon-activated monopole domain in a semi-insulating multi-valley photoconductive semiconductor switch and the dipole domain in a Gunn device are compared.

用三公分电调体效应振荡器作压控振荡器VCO,与锁相环路结合,组成能直接产生微波相干线性调频信号的固态源。A solid state source for generating microwave CLFM signal is presented. The VCO using 3cm band tuning gunn diode oscillator is combined with the phase-locked loop.

本文基于同步振荡器的非线性模型,导出了基波注入锁定二次谐波耿氏振荡器的锁定带宽表达式。Based on the nonlinear of synchronized oscillators, the expression of locking range for fundamental wave injection locked2 nd harmonic Gunn Oscillators is derived.

这个家伙曾经是该党派风靡一时的顶尖统治任务,后面他就暴露了自己的忘恩负义,轻视别人,成了反对派的头目。Marc Gunn This guy has to be the slickest to have been able to come on top of one party and then show complete ingratitude and disdain and head the opposition party.

把这种控制极设置于耿氏有源层的阴极端,消除了器件中的死区,抑制了强场畴,产生高效的电场弛豫振荡模。Putting this controller to the cathode end of Gunn active layer, the dead zone and electric field domain are deleted, from which the electric field relaxation oscillation mode is obtained.