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在每种情况下均应由投诉者负责提供证据。The burden of proof in each case shall be on the complainant.

第八条信访人对下列信访事项,可以向有关行政机关提出Article 8 The following matters may be inquried by a complainant

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调解人说明原告的控告和想要的解决方法。They explain the complaint and the solution that the complainant wants.

申诉人和新闻机构都有权出庭。Both the complainant and the news organization have the right to appear.

一人专家组费用应全部由投诉人承担。The fees for a single member Panel shall be paid entirely by the Complainant.

控告人如果不服,可以申请复议。If the complainant does not agree with the decision, he may ask for reconsideration.

针对受害人的报复行为很常见,特别是针对举报人或原告。Retaliation and backlash against a victim are very common, particularly a complainant.

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诉讼方是指就域名注册发起诉讼的一方。Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.

任何组织和个人不得压制、打击报复、迫害信访人。No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.

投诉是另一种形式的建议,当然也涉及投诉者的利益。Complaints are another form of suggestion, where the interest of complainant is also involved.

在袭击过程中,受害者不停地祈求攻击者停止攻击,法院说。During the attack, the complainant repeatedly begged for his attacker to stop, the court heard.

因此网路使用者是否真的会将「CESAR」与申诉人加以联想,仍有待商榷。Therefore it is by no means certain that Internet users will connect "CESAR" to the complainant.

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但有关该押后研讯的通知书须送予被告人及任何申诉人。Provided that notice of any such adjournment shall be given to the defendant and to any complainant.

患者平均年龄35.8岁,以痛经、经血过多为主要症状。The patient′s average age was 35.8 years. The main complainant were dysmenorrhea and hypermenorrhea.

根据法律要求,举报人会被告知关于任何调查的结果的信息。Subject to legal constraints, the complainant will receive information about the outcome of any investigations.

走访不得围堵、冲击国家机关,不得拦截公务车辆。No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties.

根据其中的投诉者丹尼说,他必须要忍受长时间的堵塞。According to one complainant by the name of Danny, he said he has to withstand the long jam which can last for hours.

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要符合统一争端解决政策,投诉人必须证明其对某一商标或服务商标享有权利。To fall within the scope of the udrp a complainant must demonstrate that it has rights in a trademark or service mark.

马丁在当庭时只发言确认了自己的姓名和住址,并表明自己会呈送申诉状。Martin in court, speaking only to confirm his name and address, and indicate that they would like sent to the complainant.

同时巴方还采取了罕见的做法,对这起凶杀案进行谴责,不允许巴洛赫的兄弟获得家族赦免。It also took the rare step of declaring itself the complainant in Baloch's murder case, preventing the brother from getting a family pardon.